Propiedades físicas y químicas de sales de quitosana obtenidas a
partir de quitina de langosta común (
Panulirus argus
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 8-16
ISSN: 3073-1283
Physical and chemical properties of chitosan salts
obtained from common lobster chitin (
Panulirus argus
Mario A. García
Received: 11 February 2024 / Accepted: 13 May 2024 / Published online: 30 July 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
Nilia de la Paz
Mirna Fernández
Jarol A. Hernández
Mario A. García
The physical and chemical properties of chitosan
salts were evaluated. To produce chitosan acetate and lac-
tate, chitosan solutions at 4% (w/v) were prepared in solu-
tions of acetic and lactic acids at 10% (v/v), respectively.
The spray drying was carried out at inlet/outlet temperatures
of 160/100 ºC. The particle size, shape, surface morphology,
and microstructure of the chitosan salts were characterized.
Additionally, moisture content and water activity were de-
termined. Analyses of the chemical structure and thermal
properties of the compounds were performed. The color of
the chitosan and its salts-forming solutions (FPS) was also
evaluated. Chitosan lactate exhibited more spherical par-
ticles than chitosan acetate, which showed greater particle
agglomeration with irregular and sticky shapes, associated
with its higher moisture content. Chitosan acetate proved
more stable, exhibiting a higher exothermic temperature than
chitosan lactate. A partial conversion of the chitosan acetate
structure was observed due to the high temperature of the
spray drying process. The FPS of chitosan lactate was the
least luminous and showed the highest b* value (
≤0.05), in
dicating a more intense coloration. No signifcant diferences
were found in the values for a* component between the FPS
of chitosan and its salts.
chitosan salts, physical and chemical proper-
ties, spray drying, powder properties.
Se evaluaron las propiedades físicas y químicas
de las sales de quitosana. Para la producción de acetato y
lactato de quitosana, se prepararon disoluciones de quitosana
al 4 % (m/v) en soluciones de ácido acético y láctico al 10
% (v/v), respectivamente. El secado por aspersión se llevó a
cabo a temperaturas de entrada/salida de 160/100 ºC. Se car-
acterizaron el tamaño de partícula, la forma, la morfología de
la superfcie y la microestructura de las sales de quitosana.
Además, se determinó el contenido de humedad y la activi-
dad de agua. Se realizaron análisis de la estructura química y
propiedades térmicas de los compuestos. También se evaluó
el color de las disoluciones formadoras de películas (DFP)
de quitosana y de sus sales. El lactato de quitosana presentó
partículas más esféricas en comparación con el acetato de
quitosana, que mostró una mayor aglutinación de partículas
con formas irregulares y pegajosas, lo cual se relaciona con
su mayor porcentaje de humedad. El acetato de quitosana
resultó más estable, presentando una temperatura exotérmica
mayor que el lactato de quitosana. Se observó una conversión
parcial en la estructura del acetato de quitosana debido a la
alta temperatura del proceso de secado por aspersión. La
DFP de lactato de quitosana fue la menos luminosa y mostró
el mayor valor de b* (
≤0,05), lo que indica una coloración
más intensa. No se encontraron diferencias signifcativas en
los valores de la componente a* entre las DFP de quitosana
y sus sales.
Palabras clave
sales de quitosana, propiedades físicas y
químicas, secado por aspersión, propiedades de polvos.
How to cite
de la Paz, N.; Fernández, M., Hernández, J.A., & García, M.A. (2024). Physical and chemical properties of chitosan salts obtained from common lobster
chitin (
Panulirus argus
Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy
(2), 8-16.
1 Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos,
La Habana, Cuba.
2 Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de La Habana,
3 Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Ecuador.
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 8-16
Currently, there is a growing interest in developing mate-
rials that enhance the shelf life of food and provide greater
microbiological safety. Many natural substances have been
studied for this purpose (Teshome et al., 2022). Antioxidants
prevent or delay oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and
nucleic acids caused by reactive oxygen species, such as free
radicals (Chaudhary et al., 2023). In addition to playing a
crucial role in physiological systems, antioxidants are used
in the food industry as additives to extend the shelf life of
foods, especially those rich in polyunsaturated fats. These
components are susceptible to oxidation by reactive oxygen
species, contributing to quality degradation, nutritional loss-
es, the development of undesirable favors, and non-charac
teristic colorations (Pruteanu et al., 2023). Evidence suggests
that using many synthetic antioxidants in food can lead to
negative health efects. Due to these concerns, interest in
natural antioxidants has increased, among which chitosan is
notable (Herdiana et al., 2023).
The seafood processing industry generates a signifcant
amount of solid waste, as 75-85% of the animal mass is con
sidered waste (such as shells, heads, and legs). This waste
contaminates the environment and represents an economic
burden for the industry, as its disposal can be problematic
and costly. Currently, there are technological alternatives to
utilize these wastes and convert them into useful products,
such as chitin and its derivatives (Santos et al., 2020). Chi-
tin is the most abundant natural polymer after cellulose. It
is found in insect wings, fungal cell walls, algae, and the
exoskeletons of crustaceans, with the latter being its primary
source (Elieh-Ali-Komi & Hamblin, 2016). Chitosan, ob-
tained by deacetylating chitin, is a helical-structured poly-
mer with reactive amino groups, allowing for a wide variety
of modifcations and ionic interactions (Aranaz et al., 2021).
In recent years, chitosan has attracted researchers’ attention
due to its extraordinary properties and ease of extraction. As
the few cationic polysaccharides, it ofers unique properties
compared to other polysaccharides, typically neutral or neg-
atively charged (Desai et al., 2023). However, the practical
applications of chitosan are limited by its insolubility in wa-
ter at pH levels above 6. Several chitosan derivatives have
been designed to overcome this limitation. Chitosan can
form water-soluble salts with organic and inorganic acids,
such as hydrochloric, formic, glutamic, lactic, citric, acetic,
and ascorbic acids. The reactive amino groups in chitosan
can be protonated (NH3+ OCOR-) by these acids, resulting
in a positively charged, water-soluble polysaccharide (Desai
et al., 2023). Considering the reasons mentioned earlier, this
study evaluated the physical and chemical properties of chi-
tosan salts obtained from the chitin of the common lobster
Panulirus argus
Materials and methods
The materials used to prepare the solutions included chi-
tosan with a molecular weight of 275 kDa and a degree of
deacetylation of 75%, obtained from the chitin of the com
mon lobster (
P. argus
) at the Center for Research and De
velopment of Medicines. Additionally, a 90% lactic acid
solution (Merck, Germany), glacial acetic acid (Merck, Ger-
many), and distilled water were employed.
Chitosan acetate and lactate were generated with approx-
imately 30% (m/m) chitosan through spray drying at inlet/
outlet temperatures of 160/100 °C in a San Young dryer. The
analysis of particle size, shape, surface morphology, and
microstructure of the salts was conducted using a scanning
electron microscope (Zeiss, DSM 962, Germany), capturing
micrographs at a magnifcation of 1000x. The moisture con
tent was determined in triplicate using a Karl Fischer method
(Mettler DL35, Switzerland), and water activity was mea
sured with an AquaLab water activity meter (Series 3TE,
Sweden), also in triplicate. Fourier-transform infrared (FT-
IR) spectra were recorded using an IR spectrometer (FT/IR
Jasco 460-Plus, Japan) by processing compressed KBr discs.
The salts thermograms were obtained using a diferential
scanning calorimeter (DSC 823e, Mettler Toledo, Greifens
ee, Switzerland), utilizing a nitrogen fow at 50 mL/min. The
samples weighed in aluminum pans, were heated from 25 to
220 °C for chitosan lactate and from 25 to 300 °C for chi
tosan acetate at a heating rate of 10 °C/min.
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed using
a TGA 850 analyzer (Mettler Toledo, Switzerland), employ
ing nitrogen at 50 mL/min and samples of 5 mg, from 25
to 250 °C at 10 °C/min. The color of the chitosan and its
salt flm-forming solutions (DFP) at 1% (m/v) was deter
mined spectrophotometrically, following the methodology
described by Casariego et al. (2009). A spectrophotometer
(Shimadzu UV-2401PC UV-VIS, Japan) was used to mea
sure transmittance between 400 and 700 nm, and the data
were transformed into the CIE L* a* b* color space. Lumi
nosity (L*) and hue components (a* and b*) were calculated,
using the D65 illuminant and a standard observer viewing
angle of 10° (CIE LAB, 1976).
A double ANOVA was conducted using the Statistics
software (version 7, 2004, StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, USA) and
Duncan’s multiple range test to assess diferences between
samples, with a signifcance level of
Results and discussion
The scanning electron micrographs of chitosan are shown
in Figure 1. The chitosan originally derived from lobster chi-
tin consisted of scales with irregular size and shape. In con
trast, the chitosan salts exhibited more spherical particles,
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 8-16
with small particles observed around larger ones, which may
be related to the drying process temperatures. Similar results
have been reported in previous studies on chitosan salts pre-
pared by spray drying (Nunthanid et al., 2008).
It was observed that chitosan lactate was composed of
more spherical particles than chitosan acetate, which exhib-
ited a greater agglomeration of particles that were irregular
and sticky. This phenomenon may be attributed to an in-
crease in the humidifcation of the sample, leading to parti
cle clustering. No signifcant diferences were found in these
characteristics between the salts obtained at the laboratory
scale and those produced at the industrial scale.
Figure 1.
Scanning electron microscopy of (a) chitosan monomer; (b) chitosan acetate; and (c) chitosan lactate at the
laboratory scale; (d) chitosan acetate and (e) chitosan lactate at the industrial scale.
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 8-16
The results regarding the moisture content and water ac-
tivity of the spray-dried chitosan salts are presented in Ta-
ble 1. All chitosan salt samples contained water, as the acid
solvent used in their preparation did not completely evapo-
rate during the drying process. Chitosan acetate showed the
highest moisture percentages, which may be related to the
fact that acetic acid has a lower molecular weight (M (acetic
acid) = 60.06 g/mol and M (lactic acid) = 90.08 g/mol) and
a lower boiling point (acetic acid: 118.2 °C and lactic acid:
122 °C) (Demarger-Andre et al., 1994), making it the most
volatile acid among those studied in this work.
The moisture content of the salts is linked to the inlet tem-
perature of the spray-drying process, during which there is
an increase in the energy of the adsorbed water molecules.
This phenomenon facilitates the release of these molecules
from the active sites of the chitosan salts, resulting in a re-
duction in water absorption. Water activity refects the ac
tive part of the moisture, meaning the fraction that, under
normal conditions, can be exchanged between the product
and its environment (Desai et al., 2023). Similar to moisture
content, the water activity of chitosan salts also depends on
the temperatures used in the drying process. It was observed
that the water activity values were higher for chitosan lactate
than those of chitosan acetate, which could be attributed to
the ability of lactate ions to compete with water molecules,
thereby afecting their dehydration potential.
Table 1.
Moisture content, water activity (a
), and mass loss by TGA of chitosan salts (n = 3)
Chitosan saltsScaleMoisture content (%)a
Mass loss by TGA (%)
Chitosan acetate
8.09 (0.2)
0.267 (0.002)7.08
Industrial7.99 (0.2)0.273 (0.0)7.13
Chitosan lactate
3.14 (0.03)0.352 (0.007)3.06
Industrial3.8 (0.2)0.364 (0.01)2.23
The FT-IR spectra of the chitosan salts are presented in
Figure 2. In the FT-IR spectrum, broad bands are identifed
in the range of 3450-3400 cm
, indicating the presence of
intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Additionally, the stretching
of the bands corresponding to the NH groups may overlap
in this same spectrum region. Amino groups exhibit charac-
teristic absorption bands at 1597 and 1615 cm
in the FT-IR
spectrum of chitosan. With both chitosan salts, these bands
are reduced, suggesting that the NH groups are protonated.
The carboxylate -COO- band at 1556 cm
was detected in
all salts, allowing us to infer an ionic interaction between
chitosan and the acids.
The FT-IR spectra of chitosan acetate exhibit intense peaks
in the range of 1550-1600 cm
and weak peaks near 1400 cm
, which are attributed to the carboxylate anion, suggesting
that this salt is adequately formed as a result of spray drying.
In contrast, the FT-IR spectra of chitosan lactate reveal cer
tain spectral changes. As shown in the fgure, the spectrum of
chitosan lactate displays a prominent NH
band at 1630 cm
This shift of the vibration to higher wavenumbers, compared
to typical amino group values, indicates the formation of a
carboxylate between the -COO⁻ groups of the acid and the
-NH₃⁺ groups of chitosan (Di Foggia et al., 2023).
Additionally, absorption bands for carbonyl groups are ob-
served at 1700 cm
or higher, indicating the presence of car-
boxylic acids. The band around 1730 cm
corresponds to the
ester of the carboxylic group of the oligo (lactic acid) either
in a chain or free form (Cervera et al., 2011), suggesting the
presence of free lactic acid in the chitosan lactate salt. This
fnding also aligns with previous studies (Yao et al., 2003).
These results suggest that organic acids may interact
with chitosan at the positions of the amino groups during
the spray-drying process, thus forming chitosan salts. The
FT-IR spectra of all chitosan salts showed ammonium and
carboxylate bands, although free carboxyl groups in chitosan
lactate are evident at wavelengths above 1700 cm
Figure 3 presents the DSC curves of the chitosan salts
dried by spray drying. All samples exhibit signifcant endo
thermic peaks in the temperature range of 70-120 °C. In par
ticular, chitosan lactate shows a broad second endothermic
peak between 150-200 °C, which can be attributed to the loss
of crystallization water and the melting point of the samples.
Similar behavior has been reported in previous studies on
chitosan lactate microcapsules and flms.
Chitosan acetate exhibited an additional endothermic
peak in the temperature range of 150-200 °C. According to
the literature, these endothermic peaks of chitosan acetate
are associated with mass loss of the salt (de la Paz N et al.,
2021). The correlation between the higher ΔH values and the
moisture contents of the chitosan salt samples suggests dif-
ferences in their polymer-water interaction and water reten-
tion capacity. The ΔH values for chitosan acetate and lactate
dried at 160/100 °C were 105.2 and 45.8 J g
, respectively.
The thermal decomposition of chitosan is an exother-
mic process that involves the contraction of the crystalline
structure of the material, starting after dehydration (Mura-
leedharan et al., 2015). In this study, exothermic peaks of
the chitosan salts were observed around 290 °C (Figure 3).
Chitosan lactate demonstrated lower stability than chitosan
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 8-16
Figure 2.
FT-IR spectra of chitosan acetate and chitosan lactate.
and chitosan acetate, as evidenced by its lower degradation
temperature. An irreversible change in the structure of chi-
tosan lactate was detected above 220 °C.
These results indicate a higher thermal stability of chitosan
acetate compared to chitosan lactate. At elevated tempera-
tures, carboxylic acids can be protonated and react slowly
with the amine to form an amide (Lu et al., 2022). This ami-
dation process reduces the amount of hydrophilic groups,
which in turn increases water absorption (Lu et al., 2022). In
this study, the chitosan lactate samples showed lower mois-
ture content compared to chitosan acetate, possibly due to
intramolecular and intermolecular condensations between
the carboxylic acid and chitosan.
Figure 4 shows the values for the mass loss of chitosan
salts during heating. According to TGA analyses, the mass
loss is associated with the endothermic changes observed in
the diferential scanning calorimetry analysis.
Chitosan acetate exhibited a higher moisture content com-
pared to chitosan lactate. The results of mass loss at elevated
temperatures, around 150-200 °C, are consistent with pre
vious fndings on chitosan salts (de la Paz N et al., 2021).
The mass loss was more pronounced in chitosan lactate than
in chitosan acetate, while this change in mass loss was not
recorded for pure chitosan.
The values of L*, a*, and b* for the flm-forming solutions
(FFS) of chitosan are presented in Table 2. It is noteworthy
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 8-16
Figure 3.
Diferential scanning calorimetry of chitosan acetate and chitosan lactate.
that the chitosan solution was the most luminous (
while the FFS obtained from chitosan lactate was the least
The b* value is the parameter that describes the color of
the chitosan flm-forming solutions (FFS), given that chi
tosan has a yellow color, and this chromatic component has
the most signifcant infuence on the total color diference
observed in the FFS. The FFS made with chitosan lactate
showed the highest b* value, which, combined with its low-
er luminosity, resulted in the solution with the most intense
coloration. It is important to note that the development of
color in the solutions is linked to the amount of chitosan used
in their preparation, with the salts consisting of 30% (m/m)
It is widely recognized that color changes may be relat
ed to chemical and biological alterations in a substance; the
yellow tones in chitosan solutions could be attributed to the
carbonyl groups (C=O) present in its structure (Mohan et al.,
2019). Additionally, both the origin of the chitosan and the
extraction process infuence its color. Regarding the values of
the component a*, no signifcant diferences were observed
between chitosan and its salts, with values ranging between
-2 and 2, indicating a negligible contribution of this compo-
nent to the color development of the FFS. The chromaticity
values (C*) showed a behavior similar to that observed for
the b* component.
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 8-16
Figure 4.
Thermogravimetric analysis of chitosan acetate and chitosan lactate.
Table 2.
Parameters related to the color of the FFS.
91.9 (0.1) a
-1.80 (0.11) c
5.41 (0.26) c5.71(0.27) c
Chitosan acetate
89.6 (0.1) a
-1.87 (0.02) bc11.28 (0.04) b
11.43(0.03) b
Chitosan lactate
79.7 (2.2) b-0.09 (1.47) ac24.02 (1.15) a
24.06(1.14) a
Mean (Standard deviation); n = 3.
Diferent letters indicate a signifcant diference (
≤0.05) by Duncan’s multiple range test.
Chitosan lactate was characterized by more spherical par-
ticles than chitosan acetate, which showed greater particle
agglomeration with irregular and sticky shapes, correlating
with its higher moisture content. Furthermore, chitosan ac-
etate proved more stable, exhibiting a higher exothermic
temperature than lactate. A partial conversion in the struc-
ture of chitosan acetate was identifed, attributed to the
high temperatures used during spray drying. Regarding the
flm-forming solutions (FFS), chitosan lactate was the least
luminous, showing the highest value in component b*, in-
dicating a more intense coloration. However, no signifcant
diferences were found in the values of the component a*
between the chitosan FFS and its salts.
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Conficts of interest
Te authors declare that they have no conficts of interest.
Author contributions
Nilia de la Paz, Mirna Fernández, Jarol A. Hernández and
Mario A. García: Conceptualization, data curation, formal
analysis, investigation, methodology, supervision, valida-
tion, visualization, drafting the original manuscript and writ-
ing, review, and editing.
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 8-16
Data availability statement
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study
are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
Statement on the use of AI
The authors acknowledge the use of generative AI and AI-as
sisted technologies to improve the readability and clarity of
the article.
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The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publica-
tions are solely those of the individual authors and contrib-
utors and not of Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy.
Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy and/or the editors
disclaim any responsibility for any injury to people or prop-
erty resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions, or prod-
ucts mentioned in the content.