Uso de sardinas cubanas en la producción de anchoas:
análisis de factores fisicoquímicos y sensoriales
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 17-23
ISSN: 3073-1283
Use of Cuban sardines in anchovy production:
analysis of physicochemical and sensory factors
Iván N. Chaple
Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de La Habana,
Received: 06 March 2024 / Accepted: 11 June 2024 / Published online: 30 July 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
Iván N. Chaple
Oscar Ros
The salting-ripening process has traditionally
been applied to diferent pelagic species to obtain a prod
uct with typical sensory characteristics distinct from fresh
fsh. In this regard, the general objective of the research was
to evaluate Cuban sardines for the production of anchovy
products, aiming for their potential industrial production.
The study sought to verify that this species was microbio
logically safe for human health and to compare it physically
and sensorially with a traditional anchovy product. It was
concluded that it was advisable to use this type of sardine for
producing anchovy products, as the physicochemical results
were quite similar to those found in the consulted literature.
Despite having a shorter ripening time (3 months), the prod
uct received high consumer acceptance.
Cuban sardines, anchovy production, salt
ing-ripening process, physicochemical analysis, sensory
evaluation, microbiological safety.
El proceso de salado-madurado se aplicó tradi-
cionalmente a diferentes especies pelágicas con el objetivo
de obtener un producto con características sensoriales típi-
cas, distintas a las del pescado fresco. En este sentido, se
estableció como objetivo general de la investigación evaluar
las sardinas cubanas para la obtención de productos anchoa-
dos, con miras a su posible producción industrial. Se buscó
comprobar que esta especie fuese microbiológicamente se-
gura para la salud humana y compararla física y sensorial-
mente con un producto anchoado tradicional. Se concluyó
que era recomendable utilizar este tipo de sardina para la ob-
tención de productos anchoizados, dado que los resultados
físico-químicos fueron bastante similares a los de la litera-
tura consultada. A pesar de tener un tiempo de maduración
menor (3 meses), el producto tuvo una gran aceptación por
parte de los consumidores.
Palabras clave
sardinas cubanas, producción de ancho
as, proceso de salado-maduración, análisis fsicoquímico,
evaluación sensorial, seguridad microbiológica.
How to cite
Chaple, I.N., & Ros, O. (2024). Use of Cuban sardines in anchovy production: analysis of physicochemical and sensory factors.
Journal of Food Science and
(2), 17-23.
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 17-23
The term “fsh” refers to aquatic animals used as food.
These can be caught in various bodies of water, such as
oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes, or raised through aquaculture
techniques. Depending on the type of fsh, diferent varieties
of seafood are obtained (Pounds et al., 2022).
In general, all varieties of fsh are rich in essential proteins
and minerals. Saltwater fsh, especially those caught at sea,
are particularly abundant in fatty acids, especially unsatu
rated fatty acids such as omega-3, as well as minerals like
iodine, zinc, phosphorus, and selenium. These nutrients help
combat the harmful efects of LDL cholesterol, directly ben
efting the circulatory system and overall health; they also
strengthen the immune system against carcinomas (Eggers
dorfer et al., 2022).
Among pelagic species is the sardine, a blue saltwater
fsh that belongs to the Clupeidae family, within the order
Clupeiformes. This group is the most abundant and widely
distributed along Cuban coasts and globally, and its fshing
is of signifcant economic and nutritional importance (Claro
et al., (2009).
Sardines inhabit relatively warm waters with normal salin
ity and form large schools of thousands of individuals. They
feed on plankton and are commonly found in well-lit surface
waters where microscopic forms of phytoplankton abound.
During their youth, they migrate toward the coast and shore
lines, where small individuals, newly covered by scales and
just beginning to acquire their characteristic coloration, fre
quently group together. Upon reaching adulthood, they move
toward oceanic waters and, at certain times, invade deeper
waters (Bishop et al., 2017).
Salting is a method of fsh preservation used since ancient
times, with evidence dating back 3,500 to 4,000 years B.C.
In the presence of salt (sodium chloride), the fesh of cer
tain fatty fsh can undergo chemical and physicochemical
changes, leading to the process known as ripening or “an
chovy-making” (Cabrer et al., 2008).
This process requires varying amounts of time, depending
on the specifc technology applied and the species in ques
tion, resulting in a product with distinct sensory characteris
tics compared to fresh or salted fsh. Salted-ripened anchovy
is traditionally produced in Southern European countries
like Spain, Portugal, France, and Italy, and it is one of the
most signifcant products in the international market. There
are references to the trade of “anchovies” dating back to the
Middle Ages when salt-ripening was essential to the econo
my of many Mediterranean towns. In this context, the objec
tive of this research was to evaluate Cuban sardines (S
na pilchardus
) for the production of anchovy-like products,
with an eye toward their potential industrial production.
Materials and methods
The raw material used in the salting and ripening experi
ments for this thesis was sardine (
S. pilchardus
) caught of
the coast of Havana, Cuba, in February 2015. Coarse salt and
olive oil were used for its preparation.
The heading and partial gutting were done manually. To
facilitate handling, the fsh was coated with fne salt. Parallel
forces were applied to the body and head while keeping the
junction between both parts fxed. Once the partial tearing of
the fesh and viscera was achieved, a slight rotational move
ment was made to separate the head from the body. This gut
ting was partial, as part of the pyloric sac remained in the
After heading and gutting, the fsh was flleted. The tail,
fns, and belly were cut with scissors, and scalpels were used
to obtain the fllets, due to the small size of the fsh, which
required careful handling.
S. pilchardus
fllets were arranged in pans for ripen
ing, forming layers as thick as a fst. After placing a layer of
fsh, fne salt was added, and the process was repeated. Upon
completion, a wooden lid and a 24 kg concrete block were
placed to press the fsh, facilitating the expulsion of water
and fat, as well as the removal of air. As the fsh lost water,
the pressure was reduced to half its initial value. The fsh
was covered by the brine formed by the salt and the expelled
water, which was renewed periodically.
During the ripening process, which lasted approximately
three months at 5°C, physico-chemical and enzymatic trans
formations occurred, resulting in a product with desired sen
sory characteristics. The ripening conditions varied between
facilities, from climate-controlled environments to those
without specifc temperature control.
Microbiological analyses were conducted at the Micro-
biology Laboratory of the Fisheries Research Center (CIP),
accredited for microbiological techniques. Five product
replicas were evaluated using standardized methods to de
termine total microorganism count, coliforms,
coli, Staphylococcus coagulase-positive,
spp., among others. The analyses were performed according
to NC 585 (2015).
Physico-chemical analyses were carried out at the end of
the ripening process in various laboratories, where total lip
ids, proteins, ash, pH, NaCl, and water activity were evaluat
ed using standardized methods.
An acceptance and rejection test was conducted to assess
the degree of ripening of traditional anchovy, with the partic
ipation of 80 consumers. The samples were taken at the end
of the ripening process, briefy submerged in brine to remove
excess salt, and then olive oil was added to simulate their
usual presentation.
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 17-23
Results and discussion
Once captured and dead, fsh begin a process of deteri
oration. In the initial stage, this deterioration is caused by
enzymes present in the fsh muscle, followed by enzymes
produced by microorganisms that enter the fsh. However,
through the application of appropriate preservation methods
and good handling practices, it is possible to keep these in
dicators within reference limits (Tavares et al., 2021). Table
1 presents the results of the sanitary quality evaluation of the
fresh fllets (raw material).
Table 1.
Sanitary quality of fresh fllets (raw material)
MicroorganismReference indexResult
V. parahaemolyticus
V. cholerae
Total microorganism count at 30
ºC (CFU/g)
S. coagulase
positive (CFU/g)
52< 10
Thermotolerant coliforms
0.3 -2.1520.36
< 0.3
E. coli
< 0.3 500.36
< 0.3
The pathogens
S. coagulase
Vibrio cholerae
, and
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
were absent.
According to NC 585 (2015) microorganisms that cause
foodborne diseases (FBD) must not be present in food and
beverages, as their presence poses a risk to the health or life
of consumers, which would lead to the food being discarded.
S. coagulase
-positive is a gram-positive, facultative anaer
obic bacterium widely distributed worldwide. It is estimated
that one in three people is colonized, although not infected,
by it. It can cause a variety of diseases ranging from rel
atively benign skin and mucosal infections to afecting the
gastrointestinal system, either by the presence of S. aureus
or by ingestion of the staphylococcal enterotoxin it secretes
(Tavares et al., 2021).
spp. is responsible for salmonellosis, a disease
that causes various gastrointestinal conditions. In these cases,
the bacteria do not invade the bloodstream but focus on the
digestive system, causing enterocolitis with severe diarrhea
and infammation in the colon and small intestine, which can
result in moderate fever and abdominal pain (Popa & Papa,
The presence of these pathogens in fsh products is asso
ciated with fecal contamination, which can result from con
tamination of the natural aquatic environment, where these
microorganisms can survive for months at room tempera
ture, or from improper handling during processing (Sheng
& Wang, 2021).
V. cholerae
can survive in aquatic environ
ments for months or even years, and it is associated with
zooplankton and other aquatic organisms. Under stress con
ditions, it assumes a viable but non-culturable form, mak
ing it undetectable by conventional bacteriological methods
(Salive et al., 2020). Transmission occurs through ingestion
of the microorganism from the feces of infected individuals.
Transmission mechanisms can be direct (person-to-person)
or through cross-contamination via contaminated food, op
erators’ dirty hands, use of contaminated water, or infected
fsh products (Stein & Chirilã, 2017). In the last 30 years,
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 17-23
foodborne cholera outbreaks have been reported, with ma
rine products such as bivalve mollusks, crustaceans, and
fsh being the most implicated. Cholera cases increased in
2008 compared to 2007, reaching a total of 190,130 cases
and 5,143 deaths, representing a 7.6% increase in cases and
a 27% increase in deaths (Maponga et al., 2015).
V. parahaemolyticus
tolerates common salt and thrives in
seawater, being able to grow at a pH of 9 in slightly alkaline
media. It is associated with the consumption of shellfsh, and
in places like Japan, special precautions are required as it can
cause gastroenteritis (Ngasotter et al., 2022). Both
V. para-
V. cholerae
are halophilic bacteria; there
fore, the result obtained was signifcant for the future use of
sardine fllets in anchovy production, as the brining matura
tion process ofers optimal conditions for their growth.
Mesophilic aerobic bacteria were within the reference
range for raw products according to the current standard.
Although these bacteria are generally considered indicators,
they represent a less precise and reliable measure of food
poisoning risk compared to other indicators (Hoel et al.,
The presence of mesophilic aerobic microorganisms in
food can be directly related to the handling, freshness, or
spoilage of the product, and its storage temperature. A rel
atively low number of these bacteria does not necessarily
imply good bacteriological quality, as the food may contain
microorganisms that produce enterotoxins or pathogens (De
gaga et al., 2022). All known food-associated pathogenic
bacteria are mesophilic aerobes, highlighting their impor
tance in food hygiene (Lorenzo et al., 2018).
Thermotolerant coliforms and
E. coli
were found outside
acceptable limits, indicating a high degree of fecal con
tamination. This contamination could be related to water,
as well as improper handling from capture, transfer to land
by fshermen, and storage. Despite implementing all neces
sary hygienic-sanitary measures since the acquisition of the
sardines, an increase in their contaminant load could not be
E. coli
is an efective indicator of fecal contamination and
the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in food and wa-
ter. It is one of the main pathogenic bacteria in fsh prod
ucts, resulting from contamination from animal or human
reservoirs (Yohans et al., 2022). This bacterium invades the
intestinal mucosa, causing abundant and constant watery di
arrhea, known as “traveler’s diarrhea.”
The presence of gram-negative enteropathogenic micro
organisms in fsh products is undesirable, and most micro
biological specifcations require their absence (Lorenzo et
al., 2018). However, the anchovy processing technology al
lowed for addressing the existing microbial load in the raw
material (Table 2), as no coliforms were detected in the indi
cators for anchovy.
Table 2.
Sanitary quality of anchovy (fnal product)
Reference index
Total microorganism count at 30 ºC (CFU/g)< 1.1x10
S. coagulase
positive (CFU/g)< 10
50< 10
Coliforms (CFU/g)< 10
50< 10
The count of aerobic mesophiles increased compared to the
results presented in Table 2, although it remained within the
reference limit for anchovy (Dambrosio et al., 2023). This
increase is related to the growth of moderate and extreme
halophilic fora, which is a natural contaminant of salt (Dut
ta & Bandopadhyay, 2022). These bacteria are transferred
to the salted fsh, where they fnd a nutrient-rich substrate
that allows them to develop, as they can adapt to environ
ments with a high salt concentration. This phenomenon is
favored as the maturation process progresses, increasing the
availability of nutrients due to the proteolysis involved in the
process. It is important to note that extreme halophiles grow
more slowly than Eubacteria (Moran-Reyna et al., 2014),
suggesting that they did not signifcantly contribute to the
total number of microorganisms recorded at the beginning.
The absence of
spp. and
S. coagulase
confrms that the product is free of pathogens, thus ensuring
its quality and safety. Table 3 shows the chemical composi
tion of anchovy reported in several studies.
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 17-23
This decrease is related to their role as an energy reserve
necessary for cellular development during spawning. Ac
cording to Aizpún et al. (1979) and Jensen et al. (2007), the
diferences in composition recorded for the same month in
diferent years are linked to less favorable environmental and
feeding conditions, resulting in lower lipid content.
Moisture and pH values are within normal ranges for sim
ilar fsh, although they present slight variations, possibly due
to factors such as species, water salinity, temperature, and
climate. The ash value is comparable to that reported by oth
er researchers, indicating an adequate mineral level; howev
er, Czerner (2011) reported signifcantly higher values. The
methodology used in this study is reliable and conforms to
established standards.
The product showed high water activity (0.95±0.03)
(Manefa et al., 2017). The NaCl percentage was 15.18±0.51,
near the lower limit (14-21%). This product is classifed as
a preserve since it does not undergo thermal treatment; its
preservation depends on reducing water activity and a high
salt concentration, which limits microbial development and
guarantees commercial stability. To achieve optimal con
ditions in the anchovy curing process, salt must be added,
which would also provide a bacteriostatic efect and reduce
the number of present microorganisms (Margiati et al.,
The production of anchovies remains an artisanal and me
ticulous process, where the quality of the fnal product de
pends on the skill and cleanliness of the handlers. High-qual
ity anchovies are characterized by having a fexible yet frm
texture, avoiding a leathery consistency; a color that ranges
from reddish-brown to a light caramelized tone; and a proper
balance of aromas and favors that should harmonize the oil,
salt, and fsh.
Sensory evaluations should be performed by trained judg
es; however, in this study, a preference or rejection test was
chosen, conducted with regular anchovy consumers without
the need for training (NC 1032-1, 2014). Table 4 presents the
values obtained in the sensory evaluation.
Table 3.
Chemical composition of anchovies
(Aizpún et al., 1979)
(Chiodi, 1962)
(Czerner, 2011)
Common sardine
Moisture (%)71.0374.3557.748.83 (0.15)
Protein (%)18.3519.9919.6122.05 (1.23)
Lipids (%)9.832.774.62.7 (0.26)
5.76.4 (0.04)
0.7810.95 (0.003)
NaCl (%)
17.7815.18 (0.51)
Ash (%)2.22.9720.183.11 (0.05)
Table 4.
Anchovy acceptance or rejection and preference test
Acceptance or rejectionPreference
AcceptanceRejectionAnchovy 1Anchovy 2
The results of the sensory evaluation revealed that out of
80 consumer judges, 62 accepted the product, which trans
lates to a 77.5% acceptance rate. This percentage suggests
a favorable response to the product, indicating that most
consumers consider it to meet their expectations of quality,
taste, and texture. An acceptance level above 75% is gener
ally seen as positive in the market (Ruiz-Capillas & Herrero,
2021), and in this case, it is attributed to the quality of the
production process and attention to critical sensory aspects.
However, the 22.5% of judges who rejected the product of
fer opportunities to identify areas for improvement, such as
texture, favor, or salinity, which is crucial for optimizing
In comparison, Anchovy 1 had a 15% acceptance rate,
while Anchovy 2 reached 85%. This high acceptance level
for Anchovy 2 suggests it was received more favorably, like
ly due to diferences in texture, favor, or freshness, refecting
a more optimal production process. An 85% acceptance not
only indicates good quality but also great potential for com-
mercialization. In contrast, the low acceptance of Anchovy 1
highlights the need to investigate the causes of this negative
perception, such as excessive salt or inadequate texture, to
improve the product.
J. Food Sci. Gastron
. (July - December 2024)
(2): 17-23
The presence of sanitary quality indicators such as ther-
motolerant coliforms and
E. coli
was identifed in the sardine
fllets; however, pathogens such as
V. chol-
V. parahaemolyticus
, and
S. coagulase
positive were
not detected in the raw material used. The salting-maturation
process of sardine fllets (
S. pilchardus
) proved efective in
eliminating coliforms at the end of the process. After pro
cessing, the chemical composition of the fllets was similar
to that reported in previous studies, although the water ac
tivity and NaCl percentage of the fnal product did not reach
optimal levels for anchovy production. Despite this, sar
dine fllets (
S. pilchardus
) with three months of maturation
showed good consumer acceptance, suggesting the product’s
potential in the market.
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Conficts of interest
Te authors declare that they have no conficts of interest.
Author contributions
Iván N. Chaple and Oscar Ros: Conceptualization, data cu
ration, formal analysis, investigation, methodology, super
vision, validation, visualization, drafting the original manu
script and writing, review, and editing.
Data availability statement
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study
are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
Statement on the use of AI
The authors acknowledge the use of generative AI and AI-as
sisted technologies to improve the readability and clarity of
the article.
Disclaimer/Editor’s note
The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publica
tions are solely those of the individual authors and contrib
utors and not of Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy.
Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy and/or the editors
disclaim any responsibility for any injury to people or prop
erty resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions, or prod
ucts mentioned in the content.