Caracterización preliminar de la harina de palmiche
(Roystonea regia) para uso alimentario
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 1-7
ISSN: 3073-1283
Preliminary characterization of palmiche flour
(Roystonea regia) for food use
Ernys León
1. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.
2. Instituto de Investigaciones para la Industria Alimentaria, La Habana, Cuba.
Received: 7 June 2024 / Accepted: 18 September 2024 / Published online: 31 January 2025
© The Author(s) 2025
Ernys León
Manuel G. Roca-Argüelles
Juan González
Abstract Palmiche is an abundant food in Cuba, promising
due to its high oil and protein content, with levels varying
between dierent varieties of its species. This study aimed to
characterize palmiche our for food use preliminarily. Fresh
fruits of royal palm (Roystonea regia) were used, and their
size, weight, and hardness were determined, the latter mea-
sured before and after drying using a penetration test with a
30º cone. The obtained ours optimal temperature and par-
ticle size were determined by drying the grains at 150 °C
for 6 hours. The dried fruits were ground in a hammer mill,
and the process eciency was evaluated through visual in-
spection and the homogeneity of the milling. The our was
analyzed for physical-chemical, microbiological, and toxi-
cological parameters. The dimensions of the palmiche fruit
were smaller than those reported in the literature. The opti-
mal temperature for obtaining high-quality our was 150 °C.
The high-fat content our was found to be safe according to
the quality indicators and was rated as having good senso-
ry quality. However, the judges rejected it after ve days of
Keywords palmiche, our, chemical composition, sensory
quality, drying temperature.
Resumen El palmiche es un alimento abundante en Cuba,
prometedor por su alto contenido de aceite y proteínas,
cuyos niveles varían entre las diferentes variedades de su
especie. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar pre-
liminarmente la harina de palmiche para uso alimentario. Se
utilizaron frutos frescos de palma real (Roystonea regia) y se
determinaron su tamaño, peso y dureza, esta última medida
antes y después del secado mediante una prueba de pene-
tración con un cono a 30º. Se determinó la temperatura óp-
tima y el tamaño de partícula de la harina obtenida, secando
los granos a 150 °C durante 6 horas. Los frutos secos fueron
triturados en un molino de martillo, evaluando la eciencia
del proceso por inspección visual y la homogeneidad del mo-
linado. La harina fue analizada en términos físico-químicos,
microbiológicos y toxicológicos. Las dimensiones del fruto
de palmiche fueron menores a las reportadas en la literatu-
ra. La temperatura óptima para obtener harina de calidad en
corto tiempo fue de 150 °C. La harina con un alto contenido
de grasa resultó inocua según los indicadores de calidad, y
fue calicada como de buena calidad sensorial, aunque fue
rechazada por los jueces después de cinco días de almace-
Palabras clave palmiche, harina, composición química, ca-
lidad sensorial, temperatura de secado.
How to cite
León, E., Roca-Argüelles, M. G., & González, J. (2025). Preliminary characterization of palmiche our (Roystonea regia) for food use. Journal of Food
Science and Gastronomy, 3(1), 1-7.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 1-7 2
Cuba, underutilized foods with potential for human con-
sumption could be used as additives in the production of al-
ready established products. Among them stands out the fruit
of the Royal Palm (Roystonea regia), known as palmiche,
which is widely present in Cuban elds. This palm, the main
remnant of the semi-deciduous forests predominant on the
island, also grows in fertile and humid mountainous areas
and is common in secondary vegetation (Arias et al., 2016).
The owering and fruiting of palmiche extend throughout
the year, and each palm can produce 2 to 8 bunches annually,
with an average weight of 23 kg, occasionally reaching up to
92 kg (Ly & Grageola, 2016). The fruit, a slightly elongated
berry of purplish color, measures approximately 10 mm in
length and 9 mm in diameter and contains a single seed. The
size of the grain depends on soil and climatic conditions (Ly
et al., 2016).
Previous research has explored using palmiche in animal
feed production, demonstrating its ability to improve our-
rich foods’ productive performance and nutritional value
(Martínez-Pérez et al., 2021). However, the literature does
not provide references regarding the specic conditions for
obtaining palmiche our for human consumption or its po-
tential use as an ingredient in food products.
Given its abundance in Cuba and its nutritional proper-
ties, palmiche has great potential as a new ingredient in food
preparations that are attractive, pleasant to taste, and bene-
cial to health. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize
palmiche our for its potential food use.
Materials and methods
The method for preparing the oregano extract was carried
ouPalmiche fruits from 25 randomly selected bunches were
used, which were dried in the sun on a 12 m² surface, being
turned every two hours during periods of maximum solar
radiation. Subsequently, the dried grains were stored under
cool and dry conditions for analysis, using 15 kg for our
production. Before processing, fruit quality parameters such
as the presence of foreign material (ICAITI 34052 h3, 1978)
and damaged grains (Codex Stan 153, 2019) were evaluated,
along with dimensions (ISO 13690, 1999), weight (AACC,
1983), and texture, both before and after drying at 150 °C.
The texture analysis was performed using a penetration ana-
lyzer with a 30° cone, recording data at ambient temperature.
The drying process was evaluated with a 2 kg sample sub-
jected to temperatures of 70, 110, and 150 °C for 3 hours in a
hot air dryer. The our was obtained using two types of mills:
one with a xed pin (1934 rpm, 3 mm mesh) and another
with a hammer (1740 rpm, 1 mm mesh), qualitatively eval-
uating the grinding quality. The obtained our was assessed
for apparent density, particle size using sieves, and chemical
composition, including moisture (ISO 712, 1998), proteins
(ISO 16634-2, 2016), ash (ISO 2171, 2023), and fat accord-
ing to AOAC (2019) methodology, following standard meth-
ods. Microbiological characterization was also performed by
evaluating mesophiles (ISO 4833-1, 2013), total coliforms
(ISO 4832, 2006), fecal coliforms (ISO 4831, 2010), fungi
and yeasts (ISO 7954, 1987), and aatoxins by HPLC.
For sensory evaluation, a trained panel rated attributes
such as appearance, odor, and texture, with initial sessions
held every three days in the rst week. An acceptance-re-
jection scale was used, and the results were statistically an-
alyzed using ANOVA and Duncan’s test with a signicance
level of p ≤ 0.05.
Results and discussion
The palmiche batch studied showed less than 1% foreign
material content, suggesting proper harvesting and storage,
with no contamination from plant residues, insect excreta,
or other materials. This result is lower than those reported in
previous studies (Sasson, 2000). Regarding damaged grains,
only 2% showed deterioration, such as dents or perforations,
attributable to impact during harvesting or insect, bird, and
bat attacks. This value is within the permissible limits for
this product. The low proportion of impurities and physical
damage to the grains favors the quality of the our, minimiz-
ing o-odors and avors and improving the uniformity of the
nal product.
The palmiche fruit had a diameter of 7.30 mm, a length of
8.57 mm, and a weight of 0.24 g. These values were at the
lower limit reported in the literature (Ly & Grageola, 2016).
The dierences could be related to soil characteristics,
rainfall regime, plant age, and fruit maturity. Optimal soil
and climate conditions promote grain development (Vives,
The average weight of 1000 palmiche fruits obtained in
this study was 238.2 g, with a standard deviation of 0.36,
a value close to the range reported by Pilcher et al. (2002),
which ranges from 240 to 370 g. This parameter, used as a
quality index in commercializing similar products, provides
information about the grain size and milling yield. More-
over, it varies according to the moisture content, with weight
decreasing as moisture decreases.
Fresh palmiche fruits have an average hardness of 22.51
N, higher than the value reported for coee (9.5 N), accord-
ing to Reinosa & Paul (1984), due to the structural charac-
teristics of its endosperm and the high ber content. When
dried at 150 °C, the hardness increases signicantly, surpass-
ing that of grains such as roasted peas (56-60 N) and raw cof-
fee (40-50 N). This increase is due to the greater resistance
of the shell as it loses moisture, as observed in the typical
penetration graph shown in Figure 1.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 1-73
The hardness level of palmiche is essential for selecting
the appropriate equipment for milling after roasting at 150
°C. A direct relationship has been demonstrated between the
hardness of the whole grain and the sensory characteristics
perceived when chewing products made with our. Harder
fruits produce ours with coarser granulation and a sandy
texture due to the diculty of fracturing the endosperm,
which the trained judges corroborated.
Figure 2 presents the drying curves obtained at three dier-
ent temperatures. The curve corresponding to 150 °C shows
a steeper slope during the rst hours of the process, indicat-
ing a higher rate of moisture loss compared to the curves
obtained at lower temperatures. The 70 °C curve shows the
least slope.
Figure 1. Penetration curve of palmiche fruit using a texture analyzer.
Figure 2.
Drying curves of palmiche at three different temperatures (70, 110, and 150 °C).
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 1-7 4
In the case of the 150 °C temperature, it was observed that
the drying curve began to stabilize after one and a half hours,
at which point the fruit had already lost a signicant amount
of water, reaching a minimal loss. From that moment on,
the reduction in moisture became slow, allowing the drying
process to be completed and avoiding unnecessary energy
expenditure and additional costs. After leaving the oven, the
grain with the most intense process resulted in more ecient
milling, as it passed more easily through the mill screens.
According to Table 1, the losses were not uniform through-
out the oven; the trays on the left side experienced more mass
loss due to the residual moisture in the grain. The tempera-
ture at 150 °C was the most suitable for the study, as it fa-
vored a faster drying. However, technological issues related
to the dryer diusers limited this forced convection process.
The average apparent density value was 430 kg/m³. Figure
3 shows the particle size distribution of the our obtained
from milling the palmiche fruit dried at 150 °C.
Figure 3. Particle size distribution in the our.
The highest proportion of retained our was found between
sieves with 1.25 and 0.8 mm openings. This value indicated
that the milling process was adequate at this temperature,
and visual observations of the milling characteristics showed
it was satisfactory, as a homogeneous our was obtained. For
the two lower drying temperatures, obstructions occurred in
the mesh holes, making the process less ecient, and the
highest percentage of retention was located in the rst sieve,
resulting in coarse ours that were discarded due to their
lack of homogeneity in particle size distribution. Once the
ours were obtained, they were subjected to chemical com-
position determination.
Table 1. Behavior of losses by location in the dryer
70 ºC 110 ºC 150 ºC
Left Right Left Right Left Right
1 46.65 45.85 47.30 45.95 47.01 45.55
2 47.95 45.05 47.00 45.75 48.36 48.01
Figure 4 shows the chemical composition of the our ob-
tained from palmiche fruit roasted at 150 °C. Fat was the
major component in palmiche our, making it a signicant
energy source due to its high lipid content. Compared to soy-
bean grain, which has 20% fat, the lipid content in palmiche
our was considered high.
Figure 4. Chemical composition of palmiche our.
It was observed that, although the protein content was not
high, it was acceptable compared to other grains. Palmiche
is rich in essential amino acids such as lysine, methionine,
and tryptophan. It is relevant when considering its use as a
ller in meat or cereal products, complementing potential
amino acid deciencies. Fat content values similar to those
of other grains were found, with palmiche standing out for
its richness in unsaturated fatty acids benecial to health
(Martínez-Pérez et al., 2021). The moisture content prevent-
ed biological agent development, such as fungi and insects.
Additionally, the high ash content, compared to other whole
grain ours, made this product a good source of minerals,
especially phosphorus and calcium, according to the results
of Martínez-Pérez et al. (2021).
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 1-75
Table 2 presents the microbiological results of the stud-
ied ours, which showed good microbiological quality. The
values for the total viable mesophilic count, total coliforms,
fecal coliforms, fungi, and yeasts were consistent with those
obtained in other studies on palmiche grain (Ly & Grageola,
Table 2. Microbiological analysis of the our
Viable mesophiles
Total coliforms
Fecal coliforms
70 3.95 2.95 0 3 0
110 3.95 1.95 0 1 0
150 3.95 1.95 0 1 0
The counts of coliforms and fungi showed that as the tem-
perature increased, the counts of both microorganisms de-
creased, with no dierences observed between 110 and 150
°C. No reports regarding microbiological analysis values for
palmiche our were found in the literature. The microbio-
logical results suggested its potential use in the production
of meat products.
No aatoxin B1 was found in the palm kernel samples
dried at the three temperatures (70, 110, and 150 °C), demon-
strating that, from a toxicological standpoint, the our could
be used in food production. The grains’ storage conditions
prevented the development of toxin-producing fungi.
In the initial sensory evaluation, the judges rated the se-
lected our as good quality. Table 3 included ve descriptors
corresponding to the three main organoleptic characteristics
of the ours.
Table 3. Initial sensory description of palmiche our
Attribute Description Score
Appearance Slightly homogeneous (presence of some particles), brown color 4
Smell Oily, toasted 4
Texture Sandy 4
Overall quality 4
The sensory quality of the our immediately after produc-
tion is shown in Table 3. From the fth day onward, trained
judges noted changes in the product compared to the initial
evaluation. From the third day, they detected changes in
smell, a tendency toward rancidity, clumping, and a pasty
texture, rendering the product unacceptable with rejection
ratings by the judges. These results align with the literature
regarding the shelf life of this product at room temperature,
which maintains sensory quality for 72 hours (Caicedo et al.,
The ripe palmiche fruit showed smaller dimensions than
those reported in the literature. The fresh grain weight was
0.24 g, with an average hardness of 22.51 N, while the dried
grain had a hardness of 98.67 N. The optimal temperature
for producing quality our was 150 °C, using a hot air dryer
and a hammer mill at 1700 rpm. The particle size of the our
ranged between 0.8 and 1.25 mm, and the bulk density was
430 kg/m³. Palmiche our exhibited a high-fat content, an
acceptable protein level, and compliance with safety stan-
dards according to the evaluated indicators. It received a
good sensory rating during the initial evaluation, but after
ve days of storage, it was rejected by the analytical judges.
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J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 1-77
Conicts of interest
e authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: Ernys León. Data curation: Manuel
G. Roca-Argüelles, Juan González. Formal analysis: Ernys
León, Manuel G. Roca-Argüelles, Juan González. Research:
Ernys León, Manuel G. Roca-Argüelles, Juan González.
Methodology: Manuel G. Roca-Argüelles. Software:
Juan González. Supervision: Manuel G. Roca-Argüelles.
Validation: Manuel G. Roca-Argüelles, Juan González.
Visualization: Ernys León. Writing the original draft:
Ernys León, Manuel G. Roca-Argüelles, Juan González.
Writing, review and editing: Ernys León, Manuel G. Roca-
Argüelles, Juan González.
Data availability statement
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study
are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
Statement on the use of AI
The authors acknowledge the use of generative AI and AI-as-
sisted technologies to improve the readability and clarity of
the article.
Disclaimer/Editor’s note
The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publica-
tions are solely those of the individual authors and contrib-
utors and not of Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy.
Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy and/or the editors
disclaim any responsibility for any injury to people or prop-
erty resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions, or prod-
ucts mentioned in the content.