Influencia de la composición del mosto y método de clarificación en las propiedades
de un vino elaborado a partir de jugo de naranja
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 8-15
ISSN: 3073-1283
Influence of must composition and clarification method
on the properties of a wine made from orange juice
Orlando Vargas
1. Luyef Biotechnologies, Chile.
2. Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.
3. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile.
4. Universidad UTE, campus Manabí, Montecristi, Ecuador.
5. Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador.
Received: 11 May 2024 / Accepted: 16 August 2024 / Published online: 31 January 2025
© The Author(s) 2025
Orlando Vargas
Claudia Espinosa
Yanelis Ruiz
Daliannis Rodríguez
Mario A. García
Abstract The study developed wine from orange juice,
analyzing the physicochemical parameters of fresh juice and
wines produced with dierent concentrations and must treat-
ments. The initial juice exhibited an acidity of 0.27 g/L, a
pH of 3.12, and soluble solids (5.9 °Brix), values linked to
a lower sugar content likely due to insucient fruit ripening
and during fermentation, acidity increased, and soluble sol-
ids decreased due to sugar consumption, resulting in wines
with high alcohol content (>12%). The pH ranged from 3.54
to 4.02, meeting established standards, although no apparent
relationship with treatments was observed. Microbiological
analyses conrmed product quality, showing no presence of
contaminant microorganisms. Sensorially, wines with 25%
juice claried with bentonite were better accepted, while
those with 100% juice received low scores due to unfavor-
able organoleptic characteristics. The results highlight how
the must composition and treatments inuenced the nal
properties of the wine.
Keywords orange wine, alcoholic fermentation, physico-
chemical parameters, clarication, sensory acceptance.
Resumen El estudio desarrolló vino a partir de jugo de
naranja, analizando parámetros físico-químicos del jugo fres-
co y los vinos elaborados con diferentes concentraciones y
tratamientos del mosto. El jugo inicial presentó una acidez
de 0,27 g/L, pH de 3,12 y sólidos solubles (5,9 °Brix), va-
lores relacionados con menor contenido de azúcares debido
a una posible maduración insuciente de la fruta. Durante la
fermentación, la acidez aumentó y los sólidos solubles dis-
minuyeron por el consumo de azúcares, resultando en vinos
con alto contenido alcohólico (>12%). El pH osciló entre 3,54
y 4,02, cumpliendo normas establecidas, aunque sin relación
clara con los tratamientos. Los análisis microbiológicos con-
rmaron la calidad del producto, mostrando ausencia de mi-
croorganismos contaminantes. Sensorialmente, los vinos con
25 % de jugo claricados con bentonita fueron mejor acepta-
dos, mientras que los de 100 % de jugo recibieron bajas cal-
icaciones por características organolépticas desfavorables.
Los resultados resaltan cómo la composición del mosto y los
tratamientos inuyen en las propiedades nales del vino.
Palabras clave vino de naranja, fermentación alcohólica,
parámetros físico-químicos, claricación, aceptación senso-
How to cite
Vargas, O., Espinosa, C., Ruiz, Y., Rodríguez, D., & García, M. A. (2025). Inuence of must composition and treatments on the properties of a wine made
from orange juice. Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy, 3(1), 8-15.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 8-159
The European Economic Community (EEC) denes fruit
wine as an alcoholic beverage obtained through the partial
or complete fermentation of fresh fruit juices, concentrated
or reconstituted juice, or macerated pulp with the addition of
water, sugar, or honey. After fermentation, fresh, concentrat-
ed, or reconstituted juice can be added, resulting in an alco-
hol content between 8 and 14% (w/v). These wines can be
still or carbonated, either by CO₂ injection or secondary fer-
mentation (González, 2012). The production of these wines
is highly popular in many northern European countries and
regions where climatic conditions hinder the development of
traditional viticulture (Valle, 2016).
The consumption of such products is high in countries like
Spain, England, Switzerland, and France, where farmers his-
torically cultivated fruits such as apples or pears primarily
for wine production rather than direct consumption (Fuent-
es-García et al., 2024). In Latin America, fruit wine produc-
tion is also evident; for example, in Ecuador, multiple studies
have been conducted on blackberry and jícama wines (Petric
et al., 2024).
Orange juice contains sugars that can undergo fermenta-
tion to produce alcoholic beverages such as orange wine,
which is the focus of this study. However, it has been the
subject of several investigations due to challenges in fermen-
tation caused by its citric acid content (Patelski et al., 2024).
One of the main issues in wine production lies in achieving
a nal product with a clear and bright appearance. The end
product often exhibits turbidity, color instability, or abnormal
avors and aromas, highlighting the need for clarication to
achieve a translucent and polished appearance (Ailer et al.,
2022). This study aimed to develop orange wine with suitable
physical, chemical, and sensory characteristics.
Materials and methods
Orange juice, the main raw material for wine
produc-tion, was obtained from sweet oranges (Citrus
sinensis) of national production with
appropriate maturity,
harvested in January 2016. The fruits were randomly
selected, but they did not present any mechanical damage
or bruises caused by post-harvest processing and showed no
signs of insect dam-age or excessive sun exposure.
Before preparing the juice, the oranges were washed,
brushed, then cut, and extracted using a Philips Cucina elec-
tric juicer. The juice was free of seeds and peel particles.
The quality of the orange juice was evaluated as the primary
raw material used, as a good product starts with quality raw
material. The orange juice was tested for titratable acidity
(NC-ISO 750, 2001), pH (NC-ISO 1842, 2001), and soluble
solids (NC ISO 2173, 2001).
Three musts, each 5 L in volume, were made with dierent
percentages of orange juice (25, 50, and 100%). The soluble
solids were then adjusted to 23 ºBrix by adding sucrose (re-
ned sugar), and the pH was adjusted to 4.00.
The fermentation process was carried out under static con-
ditions at 25 ºC for 12 days, using a Saccharomyces cerevisi-
ae strain under anaerobic conditions. After the stated
period, 0.1 g/L of NaHSO
was added to stop the
fermentation, and the wine was left to rest for 2 days.
Each fermented must was claried using three dierent
methods. The rst was clarication with bentonite: 0.4 g/L of
bentonite were added, dissolved, and left to rest for 14 days.
Finally, racking was performed to remove the sediments. The
second method was
ltration through plates, which involved
vacuum ltration through nitrocellulose packs. The third
method was racking, where the product naturally sediment-
ed particles, which were then separated by a racking process.
In each group, one must be maintained as a control sample.
The musts were standardized to 23 ºBrix and pH 4.00.
The nine orange wine samples were left to rest and mature
for 60 days at 25 ºC, protected from light. The orange wines
were characterized by determining acidity (NC 291, 2009),
content (NC 290, 2010), soluble solids content (NC
707, 2013), and pH (NC 83-34, 1983).
The microbiological quality of the fermented beverage
was determined by counting aerobic mesophiles (NC ISO
4833-1, 2014), molds and yeasts (NC-
ISO 7954, 2002),
total coliforms (NC-4832, 2010), and fecal coliforms (NC
38-02, 2014).
An aective sensory test of the level of preference was
used to evaluate the general acceptance of the formulations
and compare each one among them. Forty untrained judges
(potential consumers) participated, and a tasting was con-
ducted using a 7-point verbal hedonic scale, ranging from “I
like it a lot” (maximum value, 7) to “I dislike it a lot” (min-
imum value, 1). Using the criteria provided by the consum-
ers, the arithmetic mode of the general acceptance of each
formulation was calculated and processed mathematically
according to the design used.
The results were processed using descriptive statistics to
determine the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, maximum
and minimum values, and the mode. ANOVA and Duncan’s
multiple ranges were also used to detect signicant dierenc-
es between the evaluated samples. The statistical software
SPSS version 22 was employed.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 8-15 10
Results and discussion
Table 1 shows the results of the physicochemical param-
eters of fresh orange juice. The orange juice had an acidity
value of 0.27 g/L, similar to the minimum values reported by
Ferreyra (2006) but lower than those reported by Hoyos et
al. (2010), who characterized dierent varieties of Valencia
oranges in Colombia.
Table 1. Physicochemical parameters of orange juice
Indicator Mean (Standard deviation)
Titratable acidity (g/L) 0.27 (0.01)
pH 3.12 (0.01)
Soluble solids (°Bx) 5.9 (0.06)
*Expressed as citric acid.
The pH of the juice was 3.12, a value similar to that re-
ported by Ferreyra (2006), who characterized oranges from
four varieties in the Concordia area of Argentina intended for
winemaking based on this parameter. Alvarenga (2004) ob-
tained pH values of 3.92 in orange juice intended for wine-
making, which is higher than the value determined in this
study. This value is favorable for winemaking, as it inhibits
the development of most bacteria that could cause contami-
nation and also promotes yeast occulation in a moderately
acidic medium (Vion et al., 2024).
The low soluble solids levels may be related to an inade-
quate maturity state of the fruit used, as soluble solids levels
in oranges increase as maturity progresses (Tiencheu et al.,
The soluble solids content did not meet the specications
dened in NC 903 (2012), and the value was lower than
those reported in the literature. Hoyos et al. (2010) conduct-
ed a study of oranges’ maturation process, obtaining a value
of 11.0 °Brix at full maturity, close to the value determined
by Alvarenga (2004), who reported 10.0 °Brix.
Table 2 shows the results of the physical-chemical analyses
of the nal product for each formulation. The determined pa-
rameters showed increasing or decreasing trends in relation to
the composition of the must, which was the variable with the
greatest inuence on the characteristics of the wines.
Table 2. Physical-chemical parameters of orange wine
Formulation Acidity (g/L) Soluble solids (°Brix) Alcohol content (°GL) pH
25% OJ control 0.70 e 7.03 b 13.5 3.54 d
25% OJ bentonite 0.69 e 7.10 a 12.9 3.54 d
25% OJ ltered 0.77 d 7.13 a 13.1 3.55 d
50% OJ control 1.02 c 4.43 d 15.0 3.89 b
50% OJ bentonite 0.99 c 4.53 c 15.0 3.85 c
50% OJ ltered 0.98 c 4.53 c 14.2 3.84 c
100% OJ control 1.64 b 3.06 f 15.9 3.96 ab
100% OJ bentonite 1.93 a 3.16 e 15.6 4.02 a
100% OJ ltered 2.00 a 3.06 f 15.4 3.92 b
The acidity of all nine wine formulations increased, relative
to the acidity of the orange juice from which they originated,
due to the formation of acid by yeasts during fermentation
(Vion et al., 2024). The increase in acidity could be due to
the action of the yeasts during fermentation, as there are Sac-
charomyces species, including S. bayanus, that are capable
of producing citrates (acidity regulators) through their me-
tabolism during alcoholic fermentation (Maicas, 2020). The
production of malic acid by Saccharomyces yeasts raises the
acidity levels in wine, a hypothesis widely accepted under
the concept of oxaloacetate reduction to malic acid due to
xation on pyruvate (Vion et al., 2024).
On the other hand, the increase in acidity could have been
facilitated by the action of lactic acid bacteria from the fruit,
mainly from the genera Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, and Pe-
diococcus. These bacteria are capable of metabolizing part
of the sugars in the must, producing lactic acid and acetic
acid (Wang et al., 2021).
An increase in acidity was observed as the concentrations
of orange juice in the must be increased. A direct relation-
ship existed between the percentage of orange juice used in
the must and the total acidity of the wine (Ferreyra, 2006).
This trend may have been related to the contribution of mi-
cronutrients such as water-soluble vitamins from the juice
(Mitchell et al., 2020). The presence of these micronutrients
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 8-1511
could promote the development of bacteria and yeasts dif-
ferent from the ones used for fermentation, which produce
high levels of organic acids such as acetic and succinic acids
(Atasoy et al., 2024), the latter having a negative impact on
wine quality at high levels (Torres-Guardado et al., 2024).
A signicant dierence was observed in the acidity of the
wine with 25% orange juice with bentonite compared to oth-
er treatments. In wines with 50% orange juice, no signicant
dierences were found between the clarication treatments.
The control wines with 100% orange juice had a signi-
cantly lower (p 0.05) acidity compared to the other two
variants. Due to the variability in the results, no relationship
between the clarication method and the total acidity of the
wine could be established; the behavior of this parameter
was dierent in each treatment.
As expected, residual soluble solids (RSS) decreased
throughout the fermentation process due to the yeast strains
consuming sugar. The musts had an initial value of 23 °Brix,
and the results obtained for each formulation are shown in
Table 2.
Wines made from 25% orange juice must showed residual
soluble solids (RSS) values slightly above 7 (Table 2). In
this case, the control treatment showed a signicantly dif-
ferent (p ≤ 0.05) value compared to the others. These results
coincided with those reported by Sepúlveda (2009) for Pinot
grape wines, where musts with approximately 23 °Brix
in wines with around 7 °Brix. For treatments with
50% orange juice in the must, the RSS content was lower (p
0.05) than the 25% wines. Additionally, the control treat-
ment showed lower RSS values, possibly due to the presence
of dormant yeasts, which consumed residual sugars after the
primary fermentation (Ferreyra, 2006).
In musts with 100% orange juice, the RSS was lower than
in formulations with lower juice proportions. The wine clar-
ified with bentonite showed significantly higher (p 0.05)
values than the other treatments. This behavior could be at-
tributed to the depletion of sugars in the control, as this for-
mulation had the lowest added sugar content.
The clarication and plate ltration treatments did not sig-
nicantly aect the RSS, except for the 100% orange juice
wine with bentonite, where it increased. As the proportion of
orange juice decreased, the RSS was higher since the sugar
added to the must be increased with the percentage of juice.
Wines made from 50 and 100% juice musts were classied
as “dry,” while the wines with 25% were considered “semi-
The alcohol content was high in all treatments, exceeding
12%. The higher the orange juice content, the higher the alco-
hol content, showing a direct relationship. Since the orange
juice was not claried, it favored yeast development during
fermentation, possibly due to a component that protected the
cells, allowing more sugar depletion and generating elevated
ethanol levels (Patelski et al., 2024).
The 25% wine met the parameters established by the Euro-
pean Economic Community’s Cider and Fruit Wine
-ers Association (8-14% ethanol), while the 50 and
100% wines exceeded these values. Plate filtration reduced
the alcohol content compared to the control while adding
ben-tonite showed variable behavior depending on the juice
pro-portion. The pH values ranged from 3.54 to 4.02,
meeting the Colombian standard for fruit wines (NTC 708,
2000), which establishes a range of 2.8 to 4.0. The pH
increased with the proportion of orange juice in the must.
The clarication and plate ltration operations did not sig-
nicantly aect the pH in wines with 25% orange juice in the
must. The control treatment of the 50% orange juice treat-
ments had a higher pH (p ≤ 0.05) than the others.
In wines made from must composed entirely of orange
juice, it was observed that the pH of the wine clarified with
bentonite was significantly higher (
p 0.05) compared to
the wine filtered with plates. None of the treatments
showed significant differences (p 0.05) compared to the
control. This study established no consistent relationship
between the wine pH and the clarification treatment due to
the variations observed in each case.
The pH has a marked eect on the microorganisms, color,
and avor of wines (Tofalo et al., 2021) and has been related
to the turbidity present in wines and resistance to oxidation
(Gutiérrez-Escobar et al., 2021).
Table 3 shows the results of microbiological tests (micro-
organisms at 30 °C, fungi and yeasts, total and fecal coli-
forms) for the orange wines. The values of the microbiolog-
ical determinations indicated proper hygiene throughout the
process and the quality of the remaining raw materials used,
such as sugar and water.
In wine production, it is recommended that a clarication
and ltration system be implemented. Ideally, clarication
should be performed rst, followed by ltration, to ensure
maximum cleanliness and stability of the product (Mierczyns-
ka-Vasilev & Smith, 2015). In this study, the clarication
treatments were applied separately; however, none showed
microbiological deciencies, particularly concerning fungi
and yeasts. This demonstrates that the clarication methods
eectively removed the yeast residues left in the wine after
fermentation. These residues could cause problems during
the wine’s shelf life, such as re-fermentation and turbidity
(Espejo, 2021).
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 8-15 12
Table 3. Microbiological indicators of orange wine
Microorganisms at 30
°C (CFU/ml)
Fungi and yeasts
Total coliforms
Fecal coliforms
25% OJ control ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
25% OJ bentonite ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
25% OJ ltered ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
50% OJ control ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
50% OJ bentonite ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
50% OJ ltered ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
100% OJ control ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
100% OJ bentonite ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
100% OJ ltered ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10 ˂ 10
The control sample did not undergo a ltration process
but was claried using traditional decanting, so the yeast in-
volved in the fermentation process of the product remained
dormant. The microbiological indicators (Table 3) were neg-
ative for fungi and yeasts, inuenced by various factors, such
as the antimicrobial action of sodium bisulte (Maj et al.,
2024) and the elevated ethanol levels typically found in such
products. The determination of total and fecal coliforms was
negative, indicating the microbiological safety and quality of
the wines (NC 585, 2013).
The results of this study were aligned with those reported
by Bonilla (2009) for honey sweet wine. The main factor in
these results is the inhibitory eect of ethanol on microor-
ganisms, preventing cell multiplication (Bonilla, 2009). This
phenomenon was favored in the wines developed in this
study due to their high alcohol content, which exceeded the
established value for such products (Table 2).
Aective sensory testing of the level of liking was con-
ducted to assess the overall acceptance of the formulations
using a verbal hedonic scale. Figure 1 shows the scores for
the dierent treatments. The most accepted wine, with the
highest rating of “I like it a lot,” was the formulation with
25% orange juice claried with bentonite. Following this,
the control and ltered wines with 25% orange juice and
wines with 50% orange juice treated with bentonite and l-
tered received “I like it.” The control beverage with 50% or-
ange juice was rated “I neither like nor dislike it,” while the
control and ltered wines with 100% orange juice received
ratings of “I slightly dislike it” and “I really dislike it,” re-
Figure 1. Sensory acceptance of orange juice wines.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 8-1513
The sensory evaluation showed a direct relationship be-
tween the percentages of orange juice used and the organ-
oleptic characteristics of the nal product, indicating that as
the JN content increased in the must, preference decreased.
However, no clear relationship could be established with the
clarication methods used, as their behavior was variable in
each case.
e control samples, in all three cases, received the low-
est scores, possibly related to the lack of clarication, an ex-
pected factor since color and brightness are key organolep-
tic characteristics of wines (Gutiérrez-Escobar et al., 2021);
these results suggest that ltration improves the appearance
of the wine. Among the most accepted samples (25% JN) was
the one treated with bentonite, which stood out for presenting
a better balance between sweetness and acidity. The
100% filtered formulations were rated as “Slightly disliked”
due to their higher acidity and lower residual soluble solids
(SSR) content. The control samples and those treated with
benton-ite had higher alcohol content and an increased
sensation of sharpness (Ubeda et al., 2021).
e proportions of orange juice used in the preparation
must increase the acidity, residual soluble solids, and alcohol
content of the orange wines. The plate clarication treatment
reduces the alcohol content of the wines compared to the
control sample. The physicochemical characteristics of the
wines remained within the established parameters, except for
the alcohol content of the wines with 50 and 100% orange
juice, which exceeded the recommended values for this type
of product. The wines showed negative results in all the mi-
crobiological indicators analyzed. The wine with 25% orange
juice and clarication treatment with bentonite received the
highest rating of “I like it a lot.” A direct relationship was
observed between the increase in juice concentrations in the
preparation of the must and the decrease in the acceptability
of the wines.
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J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 8-1515
Conicts of interest
e authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: Orlando Vargas. Data curation: Or-
lando Vargas, Mario A. García. Formal analysis: Orlando
Vargas, Claudia Espinosa, Yanelis Ruiz. Research: Orlan-
do Vargas, Claudia Espinosa, Yanelis Ruiz, Daliannis Ro-
dríguez, Mario A. García. Methodology: Orlando Vargas,
Claudia Espinosa, Yanelis Ruiz. Software: Yanelis Ruiz,
Daliannis Rodríguez, Mario A. García. Supervision: Orlan-
do Vargas, Mario A. García. Validation: Orlando Vargas.
Visualization: Claudia Espinosa, Yanelis Ruiz, Daliannis
Rodríguez. Writing the original draft: Orlando Vargas,
Claudia Espinosa, Yanelis Ruiz, Daliannis Rodríguez, Mario
A. García. Writing, review and editing: Daliannis Rodrí-
guez, Mario A. García.
Data availability statement
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study
are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
Statement on the use of AI
The authors acknowledge the use of generative AI and AI-as-
sisted technologies to improve the readability and clarity of
the article.
Disclaimer/Editor’s note
The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publica-
tions are solely those of the individual authors and contrib-
utors and not of Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy.
Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy and/or the editors
disclaim any responsibility for any injury to people or prop-
erty resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions, or prod-
ucts mentioned in the content.