Empleo de Moringa oleífera en preparaciones culinarias
del restaurante “La Barraca” del Hotel Nacional de Cuba
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 22-28
ISSN: 3073-1283
Use of Moringa oleifera in culinary preparations
at the “La Barraca” restaurant from the Hotel Nacional de Cuba
Maylin L. Fernández
Instituto de Farmacia y Alimentos, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba.
Received: 21 July 2024 / Accepted: 14 October 2024 / Published online: 31 January 2025
© The Author(s) 2025
Maylin L. Fernández
Yudenis Reyes
Abstract In recent years, interest in multipurpose plants
has increased, with Moringa oleifera, a member of the
Mor-ingaceae family, standing out. Native to the
Himalayas, this plant has been widely cultivated in Africa,
Central and South America, India, Mexico, Malaysia,
Indonesia, and the Phil-ippines. It grows year-round,
withstands adverse conditions such as poor soils and
extreme climates, and is easy to cul-tivate. This study
aimed to evaluate the use of moringa in culinary
preparations at the “La Barraca” restaurant from the Hotel
Nacional. The level of knowledge about moringa and its
culinary use among internal and external customers was
analyzed. The chemical composition of fresh moringa
leaves and culinary preparations was determined to
assess their nutritional contribution. Surveys were
conducted to gauge customer satisfaction with these
preparations. The results showed a high level of
knowledge among customers about moringa and its
culinary applications. Moringa leaves and culinary
preparations exhibited signi icantly higher protein, dietary
iber, and zinc content compared to values reported in the
literature. The preparations were predominantly rated as
“like very much” and “like”.
Keywords Moringa oleifera, nutritional composition, culi-
nary preparations, customer perception, sensory evaluation.
Resumen En los últimos años aumentó el interés por las
multiuso, entre las cuales destaca la Moringa oleife-
ra, perteneciente a la familia Moringaceae. Originaria del
Himalaya, esta planta se cultivó ampliamente en África,
Centro y Sudamérica, India, México, Malasia, Indonesia y
Filipinas. Crece en cualquier época del año, resiste condi-
ciones adversas como suelos pobres o climas extremos y su
cultivo es sencillo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el
uso de la moringa en preparaciones culinarias del restaurante
“La Barraca” del Hotel Nacional. Se analizó el nivel de co-
nocimiento de clientes internos y externos sobre la moringa
y su uso culinario. Se determinó la composición química de
las hojas frescas de moringa y de las preparaciones culinarias
para evaluar su aporte de nutrientes. Se aplicaron encuestas
para determinar el nivel de agrado de los clientes hacia estas
preparaciones. Los resultados demostraron un alto nivel de
conocimiento por parte de los clientes sobre la moringa y su
aplicación culinaria. Las hojas de moringa y las preparacio-
nes culinarias presentaron un contenido signicativamente
superior de proteínas, bra dietética y zinc en comparación
con los valores reportados en la bibliografía. Las preparacio-
nes recibieron una valoración de agrado mayoritariamente
clasicada como “me gusta mucho” y “me gusta”.
Palabras clave Moringa oleifera, composición nutricional,
preparaciones culinarias, percepción del cliente, evaluación
How to cite
Fernández, M. L., & Reyes, Y. (2025). Use of Moringa oleifera in culinary preparations at the “La Barraca” restaurant from the Hotel Nacional de Cuba.
Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy, 3(1), 22-28. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14610608
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 22-2823
Since ancient times, plants have been fundamental to hu-
man and animal nutrition, becoming essential resources
in various cultures worldwide. Moringa oleifera, known as
the tree of life, has stood out for its multiple applications
and benef
its. Originating from the Himalayas, this species,
be-longing to the Moringaceae family, is currently
cultivated in regions of Africa, Latin America, Asia, and
the Caribbean due to its adaptability, resistance to adverse
conditions, and ease of cultivation (Pareek et al., 2023).
In recent years, interest in multi-use plants has grown sig-
nicantly, and Moringa oleifera has been the subject of nu-
merous studies due to its nutritional and therapeutic proper-
ties. Recent research has highlighted its use as an accessible
and low-cost resource to combat malnutrition and prevent
various pathologies, thanks to its high content of proteins, vi-
tamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in its leaves, seeds,
and owers (Kashyap et al., 2022; Hodas et al., 2021). Fur-
thermore, various studies have demonstrated its anti-inam-
matory, antitumor, and circulatory system-stimulating prop-
erties, positioning it as one of the most versatile and valuable
species in the scientic and food sectors (Kou et al., 2018).
The trend toward healthier and more nutritious prepara-
tions has motivated establishments to incorporate functional
ingredients into their culinary o
erings in the tourism and
gastronomy sectors. This strategy seeks to meet the demands
of an increasingly discerning and quality-conscious custom-
er and contributes to the sustainable development of the food
industry (Horn et al., 2022). This study aimed to evaluate
the use of Moringa oleifera in the culinary preparations at
the “La Barraca” restaurant, located on the terrace of the
Hotel Nacional de Cuba, considering its nutritional
contributions and the customers’ perception of these
innovative gastro-nomic proposals.
Materials and methods
The level of knowledge about moringa and its culinary use
was evaluated through surveys based on the procedure of
Espinosa (2015) and designed and validated by the authors.
The sample consisted of 80 respondents, and the results were
expressed as a percentage of concordant responses.
The selection of culinary preparations with moringa was
based on the responses to the previous survey. Culinary spe-
cialists from the hotel analyzed the recipes for each dish and
evaluated the availability of ingredients and the feasibility
of their preparation. The preparations included starters, main
dishes, and side dishes. The selected dishes were moringa
pasta, fresh moringa salad, moringa lasagna, pu pastry with
moringa, stued pasta rosettes with moringa, moringa can-
nelloni, moringa croquettes, cocktails, moringa cream, and
fresh moringa bread.
Chemical analyses of moringa leaves and the culinary
preparations were performed in duplicate. Moisture, fat, ash
by gravimetry, dietary ber, proteins, and minerals (calci-
um, iron, and zinc) were determined by the AOAC (2000)
methodology. The energy contribution was calculated based
on the macronutrients, and the results were compared with
the values of similar dishes obtained using the Ceres Plus
The level of liking for the moringa preparations was evalu-
ated through a survey designed and validated by the authors.
The questionnaires were applied to workers of the Hotel Na-
cional and external clients who consumed moringa dishes
at the “La Barraca” restaurant between February and April
2015. The sample consisted of 66 respondents, and the re-
sults of the level of liking were expressed as a percentage
of concordant responses. Descriptive statistics were used,
calculating position and dispersion statistics (mean and stan-
dard deviation), and for statistical analysis, a signicance
level of p ≤ 0.05 was used (Castro, 2019).
Results and discussion
The level of knowledge of internal and external clients
about moringa and its culinary use was evaluated through
a survey applied to 80 adult clients of both sexes. The so-
ciodemographic variables of the study population are shown
in Table 1. The majority (58.75%) of the respondents were
male. The highest proportion (71.25%) was between the ages
of 31 and 60, followed by 20% of respondents between the
ages of 61 and 80.
The sample was represented by 22 countries from all con-
tinents. The most represented country was Cuba, with 39
respondents (48.75%), while the rest of the nations did not
exceed 10%. Canada, Venezuela, Brazil, and England rep-
resented 5%. At the same time, Bangladesh, New Zealand,
Argentina, Belize, Chile, El Salvador, Colombia, Russia,
China, Spain, and Costa Rica only reached 2.5%, and the
rest of the countries accounted for less than 1%.
The survey of 40 hotel workers related job characteris-
tics that inuence their level of knowledge, including the
department each worker belongs to, their role, and years of
experience. The application of new trends in the restaurant
industry was related to using moringa in various culinary
It observes that 23 of the respondents belonged to the
kitchen and food service area, 8 to accommodation, 5 to the
commercial department, and 4 to general services. The dis-
tribution highlighted the heterogeneity of the sta. Ninety
percent of the sta had between 3 and 30 years of experi-
ence, with the majority (35%) working between 11 and 20
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 22-28 24
years. Work experience provides security to the establishment and contributes to a positive work environment that can ensure
stability and service quality.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of the surveyed population
Sociodemographic characteristic Frequency Percentage
Male 47 58.75
Female 33 41.2
Age (years)
20-30 7 8.75
31-60 57 71.25
61-80 16 20
Work area
Kitchen and gastronomic service 23 57.5
Accommodation 8 20
Commercial department 5 6.25
General services 4 5
Figure 1 shows the responses related to knowledge of mo-
ringa and its health benets. Most respondents were familiar
with moringa (87.5%) and its health benets (80%). These
results reect the growing globalization of moringa as food,
medicine, and remedy (Olson & Fahey, 2011).
Figure 1. Knowledge and benets of moringa for health.
The responses indicated a lack of knowledge about mo-
ringa in 12.5% of the respondents, and 20% were unaware
of its health benets. Eighty-two percent of the respondents
expressed interest in consuming dishes made with moringa,
13% indicated they might be interested, and 5% said they
would not consume it; none chose not to consume it for now.
These results suggest that culinary preparations with morin-
ga could be incorporated into the menus of various gastro-
nomic establishments. Including these dishes could have a
high weekly frequency in the diet of the studied age group.
The survey asked about the culinary preparations the re-
spondents would prefer moringa to be used. The responses
are shown in Figure 2. The questionnaire oered six types of
culinary preparations, and the respondents could select more
than one alternative in each case. The highest number of re-
sponses was for cocktails, with 71 clients (88.75%); this re-
sponse should be considered when creating new oerings in
the bar area. Preparations such as croquettes, creams, broths
and soups, salads, breads, and accompanying sauces showed
response percentages above 50%. These dishes could be pre-
pared and then subjected to an evaluation of acceptance and
preference by customers.
Figure 2. Percentage of respondents according to the types
of culinary preparations selected.
The respondents expressed their willingness to accept and
try other culinary preparations with moringa, which would
open the possibility of expanding the range of products with
this plant. The inclusion of these dishes on the menu of any
restaurant reects a shift towards applying new trends in
gastronomy, oering a healthier product that meets all the
qualities needed to provide a pleasant culinary experience
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 22-2825
(Romani-Bendeg et al., 2021). The chemical determinations
of the moringa leaves are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Chemical composition of the leaves of Moringa
(en base 100 g moringa fresca)
Energy (kcal) 52.59
Moisture (g) 77.29
Protein (g) 8.8
Fat (g) 1.31
Carbohydrates (g) 10.36
Dietary Fiber (g) 8.96
Ash (g) 2.24
Iron (mg) 2.91
Calcium (mg) 368
Zinc (mg) 2.43
The energy value of 100 g of fresh moringa did not match
the value reported by Martín et al. (2013); however, its ca-
loric contribution was higher than 50 kcal/100 g, a result
that aligns with the available literature (72 kcal). The protein
content exceeded the 6.7 g reported by Alvarado-Ramírez et
al. (2018), conrming the high protein level in moringa and
its essential amino acids contribution. The moisture content
was also above the reference value (James, 1987). The fat
and carbohydrate contents were slightly lower than those re-
ported in the literature (Alvarado-Ramírez et al., 2018).
The ash, iron, and calcium values were lower than those
of Carbajal (2013). Consuming this vegetable provides im-
portant micronutrients that positively contribute to maintain-
ing human health. The dietary ber value of 8.86 g/100 g of
fresh leaves positions the plant as a source with high nutri-
tional value. Moringa is an inexpensive and available year-
round source of this element, oering benets for preventing
coronary diseases (Chin-Chan et al., 2021).
Zinc is found in the moringa leaves, and this compound
is benecial for the immune system and wound healing. It
also plays a role in protein metabolism and the transport of
vitamin A to the retina (Maywald & Rink, 2022). The vari-
ability in the chemical composition results may be attributed
to factors such as cultivation conditions, soil type, environ-
mental conditions, harvesting time, and the plant’s age (Patil
et al., 2022).
Table 3 presents the chemical composition of the culinary
preparations with moringa. These values reect the com-
bined contribution of all the ingredients, including moringa.
An increase in energy values was observed in nine of the
preparations, possibly related to adding fats such as pastry
lard, butter, and our; this could also explain the variations
in carbohydrate and fat content.
Table 3. Chemical composition of culinary preparations with moringa
(100 g fresh
Fresh pasta
Energy (kcal) 52.59 59.52 38.05 243.73 342.61 256.87 263.3 282.78 192 77.16 267.66
Moisture (g) 77.29 83.55 91.51 56.66 37.96 52.96 53.63 49.61 57.11 84.21 34.07
Protein (g) 8.8 9.11 1.33 8.26 8.46 9.53 8.24 4.7 6.45 0.99 11.17
Fat (g) 1.31 1.32 1.37 15.69 20.37 15.59 17.22 17.22 5.52 4 2.06
Carbohydrates (g) 10.36 4.8 5.1 17.37 31.36 19.61 18.84 27.25 29.13 9.3 51.11
Dietary Fiber (g) 8.96 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ash (g) 2.24 1.22 0.69 2.02 1.85 2.31 2.07 1.22 1.79 1.5 1.59
Iron (mg) 2.91 2.51 0.44 1.6 2.45 1.87 1.52 2.62 3.92 . 6.04
Calcium (mg) 368 343 16.57 38.5 31.43 79.21 75.43 11.8 6.9 0 14.2
Zinc (mg) 2.43 2.58 3.08 3.06 2.32 0.79 0.7 0.6 2.44 0 0.85
In the culinary preparations that required cooking after
the addition of moringa (lasagna, pastry, rosetta, cannelloni,
croquettes, and bread), a decrease in moisture content was
observed due to the cooking methods used. The reduction in
protein content in the fresh vegetable salad, croquettes, fresh
pasta, and cream was mainly attributed to the quantity and
ingredients contributing to this nutrient. A variable chemical
composition was observed in each preparation, which was
related to the type of preparation, the nature and quantity of
the ingredients, and the cooking method used.
The incorporation of moringa into culinary preparations to
increase their nutritional value was evaluated by comparing
some of these preparations with others of similar type in the
Ceres Plus program. Table 4 presents the composition and
comparison of both types of preparations.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 22-28 26
Table 4. Comparison of moringa preparations and similar dishes
(100 g fresh
Soft crust
Energy (kcal) 19 38.05 192 243.73 450 342.61 17 77.16 287 267.66
Moisture (g) 94 91.51 57.11 56.66 25 37.96 96.5 84.21 33.4 34.07
Protein (g) 1.30 1.33 6.45 8.26 3.5 8.46 1.5 0.99 6.7 11.17
Fat (g) 0.2 1.37 5.52 15.69 27 20.37 0.6 4 2.7 2.06
Carbohydrates (g) 3.9 5.1 29.13 17.37 44 31.36 1.4 9.3 57.2 51.11
Iron (mg) 1.3 0.44 3.92 1.6 0.69 2.45 1 0 0.54 6.04
Zinc (mg) 0.4 3.08 2.44 3.06 0.1 2.32 0.3 0 0.54 0.85
Calcium (mg) 84 16.57 6.9 38.5 13 31.43 8 0 11 14.2
The values of energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and zinc
in the moringa vegetable salad were higher than those of the
regular vegetable salad, demonstrating the nutrient contribu-
tion of the moringa plant. The other nutrients in the morin-
ga preparation were lower than in the vegetable salad. The
moringa lasagna had a higher protein, fat, zinc, and calcium
content, providing more energy. A similar behavior was ob-
served for the pastry.
The moringa cream had a lower nutrient content than the
traditional cream, which could be related to its dilution and
the amount of moringa used in this preparation. The morin-
ga cream did not contain calcium, iron, or zinc, while these
nutrients were present in the traditional cream; from a nutri-
tional perspective, this preparation is not recommended.
Soft moringa bread had a better nutrient contribution than
traditional soft bread, conrming the nutritional properties
of this plant and positioning it for use in restaurants to of-
fer healthier products, which is in line with new trends. The
products with the best nutritional characteristics were the
fresh salad and the soft bread with moringa, which are more
nutritious alternatives that are always part of a good table.
When evaluating the level of enjoyment of internal and
external clients for the culinary preparations, it was found
that of the 66 respondents, 40.9% were women, and 59%
were men; 33.3% were in the 41 to 50 age range, followed
by those between 31 and 40 years (24.24%). The majority
were of Cuban, Chilean, and Argentine nationality (71.21%),
followed by the United States with 16.66%.
Clients’ most consumed culinary preparations with mor-
inga were croquettes (92.4%), vegetable salad (71.2%), and
bread (62.1%). The high acceptance of these products allows
their inclusion in the restaurant menu, considering that more
than 60% of the respondents agreed to request these oer-
Clients expressed their enjoyment of the culinary prepara-
tions regardless of the type of preparation. The most selected
category concerning the enjoyment of culinary preparations
was “I like it a lot” (33%), followed by “I like it” (19%).
The responses for “I like it extremely” and “I neither like
nor dislike” were 4% and 6%, respectively. The lowest level
of enjoyment corresponded to the categories “I dislike it”
(2%) and “I dislike it a lot” (1%). Although the results were
acceptable, further work should be done to improve the sen-
sory quality of moringa-based preparations to increase client
The consumption frequency of culinary preparations with
moringa showed that 39% preferred to consume these prepa-
rations two or three times a week, 23% on specic occasions,
and 15% daily. The lowest frequency was recorded for “rare-
ly” (12%) and “weekends” (11%).
Overall, the consumption frequency results indicate an in-
terest among the respondents in moringa-based preparations,
which is favorable for the restaurant. This justies the inclu-
sion of these preparations in the menu and drives it toward
a modern, natural, and highly competitive restaurant scene.
The knowledge of internal and external clients about mo-
ringa and its culinary use was high. The chemical compo-
sition of moringa leaves and culinary preparations stood
out for their higher protein, dietary ber, and zinc content
than the values reported in the literature, supporting their
nutritional potential. Culinary preparations with moringa re-
ceived a positive evaluation, with the categories “I like it a
lot” and “I like it” predominating. The highest willingness to
consume was associated with a frequency of “two or three
times per week”.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 22-2827
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Conicts of interest
e authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: Yudenis Reyes. Data curation:
Maylin L. Fernández, Yudenis Reyes. Formal analysis:
Maylin L. Fernández, Yudenis Reyes. Research: Maylin L.
Fernández, Yudenis Reyes. Methodology: Yudenis Reyes.
Software: Maylin L. Fernández. Supervision: Yudenis
Reyes. Validation: Yudenis Reyes. Visualization: Maylin
L. Fernández. Writing the original draft:
Maylin L.
Fernández, Yudenis Reyes. Writing, review and editing:
Maylin L. Fernández, Yudenis Reyes.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 22-28 28
Data availability statement
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study
are available from the corresponding author on reasonable
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The authors acknowledge the use of generative AI and AI-as-
sisted technologies to improve the readability and clarity of
the article.
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The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publica-
tions are solely those of the individual authors and contrib-
utors and not of Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy.
Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy and/or the editors
disclaim any responsibility for any injury to people or prop-
erty resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions, or prod-
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