Métodos de extracción de compuestos bioactivos:
un enfoque hacia la sostenibilidad
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 29-37
ISSN: 3073-1283
Extraction methods of bioactive compounds:
a sustainability approach
Yanelis Chongo
Empresa Integral Agropecuaria Cienfuegos, Cuba.
Received: 19 september 2024 / Accepted: 16 December 2024 / Published online: 31 January 2025
© The Author(s) 2025
Yanelis Chongo
Abstract This article provides an overview of various ex-
traction methods used to obtain bioactive compounds from
plant materials, highlighting the process conditions, extract
properties, and potential applications. Methodologies such
as ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE), Soxhlet, supercrit-
ical uids extraction (SFE), and green or environmentally
friendly methods were studied. Each technique was evaluat-
ed in terms of eciency, cost, environmental impact, and ap-
plication, considering factors such as the type of compounds
extracted (antioxidants, avonoids, essential oils) and their
use in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. The
advantages and limitations of each process were discussed,
providing a framework for selecting the most suitable meth-
od based on specic extraction and sustainability needs.
Keywords extraction methods, green extraction processes,
bioactive compounds, environmental sustainability, antioxi-
dants, avonoids.
Resumen Este artículo ofrece una visión de diversos méto-
dos de extracción utilizados para obtener compuestos bioac-
tivos a partir de materiales vegetales, destacando las condi-
ciones del proceso, las propiedades de los extractos y sus
aplicaciones potenciales. Se estudiaron metodologías como
la extracción asistida por ultrasonido (EAU), Soxhlet, ui-
dos supercríticos (SFE), y métodos verdes o ambientalmente
amigables. Cada técnica se evaluó en términos de eciencia,
costo, impacto ambiental y aplicación, considerando factores
como el tipo de compuestos extraídos (antioxidantes, avo-
noides, aceites esenciales) y su uso en las industrias alimen-
taria, cosmética y farmacéutica. Se señalaron las ventajas y
limitaciones de cada proceso, proporcionando un marco para
la selección del método más adecuado según las necesidades
especícas de extracción y sostenibilidad.
Palabras clave métodos de extracción, procesos de extrac-
ción verde, compuestos bioactivos, sostenibilidad ambiental,
antioxidantes, avonoides.
How to cite
Chongo, Y. (2025). Extraction methods of bioactive compounds: a sustainability approach. Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy, 3(1), 29-37. https://
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 29-37 30
The bioactive compounds in natural matrices such as
plants, fruits, algae, and microorganisms have gained at-
tention due to their antioxidant, anti-inammatory, and an-
timicrobial benets. The extraction methods for these com-
pounds aect their characteristics and application in food,
pharmaceutical, and cosmetic products. Evaluating these
methods is necessary to optimize the performance of indus-
trial processes.
This work analyzes dierent extraction techniques, such
as ultrasound-assisted extraction, microwave extraction,
supercritical uids, and green methods, to provide a com-
prehensive view of how these technologies contribute to im-
proving eciency and sustainability in obtaining high-qual-
ity extracts for various industries.
This work’s objective was to compare the main extraction
methods for bioactive compounds from plant materials, with
emphasis on their principles, advantages, limitations, and
potential applications. It will also explore the environmental
impact of these methodologies and their role in developing
more sustainable extraction solutions for bioactives.
Traditional extraction methods
Maceration extraction
Maceration is a solid-liquid extraction method based on
passive diusion, where the bioactive compounds from a
plant matrix dissolve in an appropriate solvent, such as eth-
anol or water. This process is typically carried out at room
temperature or slightly elevated temperatures to prevent ther-
mal degradation of sensitive compounds. Parameters such as
the particle size of the sample and the contact time between
the matrix and the solvent directly aect the extraction e-
ciency. Its simplicity makes it ideal for preliminary chemical
composition tests on natural samples (Martins et al., 2023;
Usman et al., 2023).
Maceration is economical and easy to implement, requir-
ing no specialized equipment, making it an accessible tech-
nique, especially in preliminary studies.
Among the disadvantages are the prolonged time required
to achieve high yields and low eciency in extracting com-
pounds of low polarity or from complex matrices. The use
of large volumes of solvents can pose environmental and
economic concerns. Compared to advanced methods like ul-
trasound-assisted extraction, its eciency is relatively low,
especially for dicult-to-extract compounds (Martins et al.,
2023; Usman et al., 2023).
Maceration is widely used to extract thermally stable com-
pounds such as polyphenols, avonoids, and tannins, which
are important in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic
industries. It is also used to extract antioxidants from me-
dicinal plants and traditional botanical products. In current
research, this method remains a useful option in laboratory
settings and as a baseline for comparing the eectiveness
of more advanced techniques in the extraction of bioactive
compounds (Martins et al., 2023; Usman et al., 2023).
Soxhlet Extraction
Soxhlet extraction uses a continuous reux system where
a volatile solvent repeatedly passes through a solid sam-
ple contained in a porous cartridge. This process ensures a
complete extraction of the compounds soluble in the chosen
solvent. The principle is based on the condensation of the
heated solvent, which, upon dissolving the compounds, ac-
cumulates in the siphon until it is emptied, allowing the cy-
cle to repeat. It is particularly useful for obtaining non-polar
bioactive compounds, such as lipids and terpenes, due to its
ability to maintain a constant solvent saturation during the
extraction (El Maaiden et al., 2022).
One of the main advantages of the Soxhlet method is its ef-
ciency in extracting non-polar compounds with high purity.
Additionally, it allows for more precise control of extraction
conditions, contributing to its ability to extract large amounts
of bioactive compounds compared to conventional methods
like maceration. For example, in a study on green coee
beans, the Soxhlet extraction produced high levels of total
phenolic compounds and avonoids, the main contributors
to antioxidant activity (Palmieri et al., 2020).
However, the Soxhlet method has signicant limitations. It
consumes large volumes of solvents and requires prolonged
extraction, resulting in high energy consumption. These
drawbacks limit its environmental sustainability and eco-
nomic viability on an industrial scale. Also, prolonged heat
exposure can degrade certain thermosensitive compounds,
reducing their applicability in specic cases (Gligor et al.,
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1):29-3731
Soxhlet is widely used to extract bioactive compounds
from plants and natural products for food, pharmaceuticals,
and cosmetics. For example, it has proven eective in ex-
tracting antioxidant compounds from thyme and coriander,
where the obtained extracts showed strong antioxidant ac-
tivity in FRAP and ABTS assays. Additionally, it is useful
for obtaining lipids and sterols from raw materials such as
oilseeds, which are used in functional foods and supplements
(Palmieri et al., 2020; Gligor et al., 2023).
Hydrodistillation is a technique used to extract volatile
compounds, especially essential oils, from plant materials.
It works by injecting steam into the plant matrix, facilitating
volatile compounds’ release. These vapors are condensed
and collected, allowing for the separation of the essential oil
from the water. This method is based on the dierences in
volatility and solubility of the compounds, which allows the
oils to be carried with steam. At the same time, other sub-
stances remain in the plant matrix. This approach is widely
used due to its ability to preserve the integrity of the volatile
compounds during the extraction process despite the high
temperatures used (Machado et al., 2022; Oubannin et al.,
Hydrodistillation is recognized for its eciency in extract-
ing essential oils from various plants. One of its main ad-
vantages is that it does not require chemical solvents, mak-
ing it a more eco-friendly and safe option for industrial and
cosmetic applications. Furthermore, this method is relatively
simple and can be applied on a large scale without expensive
equipment. Hydrodistillation also allows for extracting mul-
tiple components from a sample, expanding its usefulness
in industries such as pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics
(Fernández et al., 2024; Semerdjieva et al., 2019).
However, this method is not without limitations. Hydro-
distillation is unsuitable for heat-sensitive compounds, as
high temperatures can degrade specic components, altering
their chemical prole and reducing their quality. Addition-
ally, the process can be slow, with limited yields depending
on the quantity and type of plant material used. Precise con-
trol of operational conditions, such as temperature and dis-
tillation time, is also required to ensure ecient extraction
and minimize losses of key compounds (Semerdjieva et al.,
2019; Fernández et al., 2024).
Hydrodistillation is widely used to extract essential oils
in the cosmetic industry, where these compounds are used
in fragrances, soaps, and personal care products. Essential
oils extracted through this method are employed as natural
avorings and preservatives in the food industry due to their
antimicrobial properties. In the pharmaceutical eld, they
are used for their therapeutic properties, such as antioxidant
activity and anti-inammatory eects. This method is also
key in scientic research for the characterization of new
essential oils and their bioactive potential (Machado et al.,
2022; Fernández et al., 2024).
Modern and sustainable methods
Ultrasound-assisted extraction
Ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) is based on acous-
tic cavitation, a phenomenon generated by high-frequency
ultrasonic waves in a liquid medium. These waves create
microbubbles that collapse violently, generating high tem-
peratures and local pressures that break the cell walls of
plant materials. This process facilitates the release of bio-
active compounds, such as polyphenols, avonoids, and ca-
rotenoids, improving extraction eciency compared to tra-
ditional methods. Furthermore, it reduces processing times
while maintaining high quality in the obtained extracts (Ran-
jha et al., 2021; Lavenburg et al., 2021).
One of the main advantages of ultrasound-assisted ex-
traction (UAE) is its speed and eciency, as it signicant-
ly reduces extraction time compared to traditional methods.
This method also requires less solvent, making it more en-
vironmentally friendly. UAE is highly adaptable to dier-
ent bioactive compounds and substrates, and its ability to
operate at lower temperatures minimizes the degradation
of heat-sensitive compounds. Moreover, it is considered a
“green” technique due to its low environmental impact and
compatibility with sustainability standards in the food and
pharmaceutical industries (Teixeira et al., 2024; Ranjha et
al., 2021).
Despite its advantages, UAE has certain limitations, such
as the possible degradation of bioactive compounds sensitive
to ultrasound or the heat generated during the process. Ad-
ditionally, large-scale implementation may be expensive due
to the specialized equipment required.
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 29-37 32
Ultrasound-assisted extraction is widely used to extract
polyphenols from fruits, carotenoids from vegetables, and
avonoids from various medicinal plants. It is also a prom-
ising technique for obtaining essential oils and antioxidants
for the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries (Ran-
jha et al., 2021; Lavenburg et al., 2021).
Microwave-Assisted Extraction (MAE)
Microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) uses high-fre-
quency electromagnetic waves that interact with the polar
molecules of the sample and the solvent, generating rapid
heating. This process increases the cell pressure, breaking
their walls and releasing bioactive compounds into the sol-
vent medium. The eectiveness of this method lies in the
ability of microwaves to distribute heat evenly, promoting
ecient extraction of target substances such as polyphenols,
avonoids, and carotenoids (Dobrinčić et al., 2020; Moretto
et al., 2022).
MAE stands out for its speed and lower use of solvents
compared to traditional methods. This reduces processing
time and improves environmental sustainability. The direct
heating by microwaves minimizes the loss of bioactive com-
pounds sensitive to prolonged thermal processes, preserving
their chemical integrity. It is eective in obtaining extracts
rich in antioxidant compounds, which greatly interest food
and pharmaceutical applications (Dobrinčić et al., 2020;
Moretto et al., 2022).
Despite its advantages, Microwave-Assisted Extraction
(MAE) has limitations. One of the main issues is the initial
investment required for specialized equipment, which can
be prohibitive for some facilities. Additionally, this meth-
od presents challenges when working with non-polar com-
pounds, as they rely less on interacting with microwaves.
There is also the risk of degradation of heat-sensitive com-
pounds if extraction parameters, such as temperature and ex-
posure time, are not adequately controlled (Dobrinčić et al.,
2020; Moretto et al., 2022).
MAE is widely used to extract bioactive compounds from
plant and marine materials, including polyphenols from ol-
ive leaves and fatty acids from microalgae. In the case of mi-
croalgae, this method has been used to extract lipids intended
to produce high-quality biodiesel. The eciency of MAE in
recovering compounds such as oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol,
and carotenoids makes it a preferred technique in industries
such as food, cosmetics, and energy (Dobrinčić et al., 2020;
Moretto et al., 2022).
Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE)
Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) uses supercritical u-
ids, particularly carbon dioxide (CO₂), to dissolve and ex-
tract bioactive compounds. Under temperature and pressure
conditions exceeding the critical point of CO₂, it acquires
both liquid and gas properties, eciently penetrating solid
matrices and dissolving specic substances. This method
is adjusted based on parameters such as pressure, tempera-
ture, and, in some cases, the use of cosolvents to enhance
the selectivity and eciency of the process (Uwineza &
Waśkiewicz, 2020; Alcázar-Alay & Gallón-Bedoya, 2023).
One of the main advantages of Supercritical Fluid Ex-
traction (SFE) is its ability to extract without leaving resi-
dues of toxic solvents, making it ideal for food, pharmaceu-
tical, and cosmetic applications. It is also highly selective,
allowing the extraction of specic compounds such as an-
tioxidants, carotenoids, and essential oils. Furthermore, by
using CO₂, a safe and economical gas, SFE is environmen-
tally friendly and provides an ecient method for thermola-
bile compounds, as the temperature can be kept low during
the process (Uwineza & Waśkiewicz, 2020; Alcázar-Alay &
Gallón-Bedoya, 2023).
Despite its benets, SFE has limitations, such as high
equipment initial costs and operational expenses due to the
pressure requirements and precise control of process condi-
tions. Additionally, the method’s eciency may be limited
for non-polar compounds if appropriate cosolvents are not
used, which can increase the system’s complexity and cost
(Uwineza & Waśkiewicz, 2020; Alcázar-Alay & Gallón-Be-
doya, 2023).
SFE (Supercritical Fluid Extraction) is widely used to
obtain high-purity food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical
extracts. Notable examples include the extraction of an-
tioxidants from agro-industrial waste, essential oils from
aromatic plants, and natural pigments such as carotenoids.
Additionally, SFE is frequently combined with emerging
technologies to optimize the recovery of bioactive com-
pounds, highlighting its role in the valorization of biomass
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1):29-3733
and industrial waste (Uwineza & Waśkiewicz, 2020; Al-
cázar-Alay & Gallón-Bedoya, 2023).
Green or environmentally friendly extraction
Green or environmentally friendly extraction refers to
methods that minimize environmental impact and improve
sustainability compared to conventional techniques. Among
these methods, subcritical water extraction, ionic liquids, and
deep eutectic solvents stand out. Subcritical water extraction
uses water at high temperatures and pressures without reach-
ing its critical point, allowing for ecient dissolution of
bioactive compounds without the problems associated with
using organic solvents. On the other hand, ionic liquids and
deep eutectic solvents are characterized by their low toxic-
ity and their ability to dissolve a wide range of compounds,
making them particularly useful for extracting bioactive
compounds such as phenols and essential oils (Almohasin et
al., 2023; Martins et al., 2023).
One of the main advantages of green extraction methods is
their lower environmental impact, as they reduce the use of
conventional solvents, which are toxic and non-renewable.
Additionally, these techniques contribute to sustainability,
as many of the solvents used come from renewable sourc-
es or are not harmful to the environment. Green extraction
strategies aim to optimize extraction performance, improve
energy eciency, minimize waste, and promote the circular
economy in industrial processes. The limited availability of
some of these solvents and the need for process optimization
still represent signicant challenges in the widespread adop-
tion of these methods.
Despite their advantages, green extraction methods have
certain limitations. The availability of ionic liquids and
deep eutectic solvents is still restricted, which may hinder
their large-scale implementation. The optimization of these
processes remains an active area of research, and it is nec-
essary to nd the most suitable conditions to maximize the
eciency and selectivity of bioactive compound extraction.
The continuous development of bioreneries and research
in green chemistry pave the way for the renement of these
methods and their integration into more sustainable industri-
al processes. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the
comparison of extraction methods.
Table 1. Comparison of methods
Method Eciency Cost Sustainability Applications
Maceration Low Low Low Thermostable compounds
Soxhlet Moderate Moderate Low Fats and oils
UAE High Moderate Alta Antioxidants and avonoids
SFE Very high High Very high High-purity extracts
Table 2 compares bioactive compound extraction methods concerning process conditions, extract properties, and potential
Table 2. Extraction methods for bioactive compounds: process conditions, extract properties, and potential applications
Plant material Process conditions
Wong et al.
Fruit and
vegetable waste
Time: 20-30 min,
Temperature: 40-60
°C, Solvent: Ethanol/
(phenols and
preservatives in
processed foods
Borges et al.
Soxhlet and
Green and black
tea leaves
Soxhlet: 3 hours,
Microwave: 15
minutes, Solvent:
Antioxidant and
Preservatives in
beverages and
meat products
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1): 29-37 34
Plant material Process conditions
et al. (2022)
Grape seeds
Methanol maceration
for 24 hours,
partitioning with
hexane and ethyl
Enrichment of
vegetable oils
Kothari et al.
Ultrasound Cardamom seeds
Time: 30 minutes,
Temperature: 50 °C,
Solvent: Ethanol
(total phenols)
and antimicrobial
preservatives in
processed foods
Gonelimali et
al. (2018)
Agar diusion
Thyme essential
Steam distillation
Evaluation: MIC
(Minimum Inhibitory
additives for
Mahmood et
al. (2019)
UAE Moringa leaf
Time: 40 minutes,
Temperature: 45°C,
Solvent: Ethanol
Potent antioxidant
and antimicrobial
of functional
Junsathian et
al. (2022)
Edible plant
leaves from
Time: 2 hours,
Temperature: 60 °C,
Solvent: Water
tannins) and
Preservatives in
dairy products
and snacks
Altemimi et
al. (2017)
Plants with
compounds such
as polyphenols,
Use of ultrasound to
induce cavitation, with
controlled temperature
and time
Higher extraction
yield, better
quality of
Extraction of
essential oils,
Naviglio et al.
Plant material
rich in phenolic
essential oils
Rapid heating using
microwaves, with
temperature control
and solvents
High extraction
reduced time, and
extracts, oils,
Altemimi et
al. (2017)
Aromatic plants,
spices, medicinal
Use of CO₂ in
a supercritical
state at controlled
temperatures and
Pure extracts
without solvent
residues, high
Essential oils,
Naviglio et al.
Green or
Various plants,
those with
antioxidant or
Use of ionic liquids,
deep eutectic solvents,
or subcritical water
Reduction of
impact, lower use
of conventional
Natural products,
J. Food Sci. Gastron. (January - June 2025) 3(1):29-3735
Environmental impact of extraction methodo-
logies and their role in the development of sus-
tainable solutions for bioactive extraction
The methodologies for extracting bioactive compounds
from plant sources have a variable environmental impact,
depending on the process used. Traditionally, methods such
as extraction with organic solvents have raised concerns due
to their high solvent consumption and the potential environ-
mental contamination resulting from the waste of these com-
pounds. Technological advancements have developed more
sustainable techniques that minimize this impact.
Methods such as UAE (Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction)
and MAE (Microwave-Assisted Extraction) are known for
their eciency in reducing extraction times and using small-
er amounts of solvents, contributing to a smaller ecological
footprint. Although EFS (Supercritical Fluid Extraction) is
costly, it does not leave solvent residues, making it more en-
vironmentally friendly than conventional techniques (Navi-
glio et al., 2023; Altemimi et al., 2017).
Green or environmentally friendly methods include sub-
critical water extraction, ionic liquids, or deep eutectic sol-
vents; these methodologies are designed to reduce toxic
solvents and energy consumption, which aligns with sustain-
ability principles. These techniques have a reduced environ-
mental impact and enhance the eciency of bioactive com-
pound extraction, resulting in less waste of natural resources.
Some of these methods are in the optimization phase. They
are not as widely used as other established techniques, but
their potential to contribute to developing more eco-friendly
extraction processes is promising (Naviglio et al., 2023; Al-
temimi et al., 2017).
The role of these technologies in transitioning to a more
sustainable industry extends beyond waste reduction and en-
ergy use. Their ability to produce high-purity extracts with
fewer toxic residues decreases pollution associated with the
natural extract industry. Implementing these methodologies
improves extraction eciency and facilitates the production
of safer and more eco-friendly products to meet the growing
demand for natural and sustainable solutions across all sec-
tors of life (Naviglio et al., 2023).
Modern extraction methods oer advantages in terms of
eciency, sustainability, and control over extraction condi-
tions. Their implementation depends on the balance between
costs and benets and the nature of the target compounds.
The current trend is towards green technologies that mini-
mize environmental impact and maximize the safety of the
nal products. Combining techniques (hybrid) and develop-
ing even more sustainable technologies are recommended,
along with integrating computational tools to optimize ex-
traction conditions. This will allow expanding the applica-
tions of bioactive compounds in innovative sectors.
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Conicts of interest
e authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
Author contributions
Yanelis Chongo: Conceptualization, research, methodology,
visualization, writing the original draft, writing, review and
Data availability statement
Not applicable.
Statement on the use of AI
The authors acknowledge the use of generative AI and AI-as-
sisted technologies to improve the readability and clarity of
the article.
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The statements, opinions, and data contained in all publica-
tions are solely those of the individual authors and contrib-
utors and not of Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy.
Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy and/or the editors
disclaim any responsibility for any injury to people or prop-
erty resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions, or prod-
ucts mentioned in the content.