Plagiarism detection policy

The Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy is committed to ensuring the originality and integrity of published works. Therefore, all submitted manuscripts will undergo a plagiarism detection process before being sent for peer review. This policy applies to all types of articles.

  1. Plagiarism detection tool

Manuscripts will be analyzed using Plag, a specialized software for similarity detection, to identify potential cases of plagiarism or self-plagiarism. The journal will not accept similarity levels above 20%. PapersOwl offers an entirely free online plagiarism checker and supports various file formats. Authors are encouraged to use this tool to review their manuscripts before submitting them to the journal.

  1. Authors' responsibility

Authors must ensure that their manuscripts are original and have not been previously published in other journals or platforms. Also, please cite any content from different sources.

  1. Types of detected plagiarism
  • Total plagiarism: Presenting someone else’s work as one’s own without modifications.
  • Self-plagiarism: Significant reuse of the author's previous work without proper citation.
  • Partial plagiarism: Copying sections or ideas without crediting the sources.
  1. Actions in case of plagiarism

The manuscript will be immediately rejected if plagiarism is detected during the editorial process. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the article will be formally retracted.