Use of Moringa oleifera in culinary preparations at the “La Barraca” restaurant from the Hotel Nacional de Cuba
Moringa oleifera, nutritional composition, culinary preparations, customer perception, sensory evaluationAbstract
In recent years, interest in multipurpose plants has increased, with Moringa oleifera, a member of the Moringaceae family, standing out. Native to the Himalayas, this plant has been widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, India, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It grows year-round, withstands adverse conditions such as poor soils and extreme climates, and is easy to cultivate. This study aimed to evaluate the use of moringa in culinary preparations at the "La Barraca" restaurant from the Hotel Nacional. The level of knowledge about moringa and its culinary use among internal and external customers was analyzed. The chemical composition of fresh moringa leaves and culinary preparations was determined to assess their nutritional contribution. Surveys were conducted to gauge customer satisfaction with these preparations. The results showed a high level of knowledge among customers about moringa and its culinary applications. Moringa leaves and culinary preparations exhibited significantly higher protein, dietary fiber, and zinc content compared to values reported in the literature. The preparations were predominantly rated as "like very much" and "like".
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Data Availability Statement
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Copyright (c) 2025 Maylin L. Fernández, Yudenis Reyes (Author)

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