Natural colorants in the food industry: the role of anthocyanins and their spray drying process




anthocyanins, natural colorants, food industry, stability, spray drying, antioxidant properties


The use of natural colorants in the food industry has garnered increasing interest due to the demand for healthier and safer products for consumers. Among these colorants, anthocyanins, compounds found in various fruits and vegetables, stand out for their ability to provide vibrant colors and their antioxidant properties. However, their industrial application faces challenges related to their stability against factors such as light, pH, and temperature. This review described the role of anthocyanins as natural colorants, addressing their properties, benefits, and limitations in food products. Additionally, spray drying was analyzed as a promising technique to improve the stability and shelf life of anthocyanins, facilitating their effective incorporation into the industry. Recent studies on the impact of this process on the bioactive properties of anthocyanins were reviewed, as well as their application in the development of food products utilizing natural colorants.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, D. (2023). Natural colorants in the food industry: the role of anthocyanins and their spray drying process. Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy, 1(1), 22-34.

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