Influence of must composition and clarification method on the properties of a wine made from orange juice




orange wine, alcoholic fermentation, physicochemical parameters, clarification, sensory acceptance


The study developed wine from orange juice, analyzing the physicochemical parameters of fresh juice and wines produced with different concentrations and must treatments. The initial juice exhibited an acidity of 0.27 g/L, a pH of 3.12, and soluble solids (5.9 °Brix), values linked to a lower sugar content likely due to insufficient fruit ripening and during fermentation, acidity increased, and soluble solids decreased due to sugar consumption, resulting in wines with high alcohol content (>12%). The pH ranged from 3.54 to 4.02, meeting established standards, although no apparent relationship with treatments was observed. Microbiological analyses confirmed product quality, showing no presence of contaminant microorganisms. Sensorially, wines with 25% juice clarified with bentonite were better accepted, while those with 100% juice received low scores due to unfavorable organoleptic characteristics. The results highlight how the must composition and treatments influenced the final properties of the wine.


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The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.



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How to Cite

Vargas, O., Espinosa, C., Ruiz, Y., Rodríguez, D., & García, M. A. (2025). Influence of must composition and clarification method on the properties of a wine made from orange juice. Journal of Food Science and Gastronomy, 3(1), 8-15.

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